migrationsverket.se Apply For Swedish Citizenship Online : Sweden Migration Agency

Organization : The Swedish Migration Agency
Type of Facility : Apply For Swedish Citizenship Online
Country: Sweden

Website : http://www.migrationsverket.se/English/Private-individuals/Becoming-a-Swedish-citizen/Citizenship-for-adults/How-to-apply.html
Apply Online : https://www.migrationsverket.se/

Apply For Swedish Citizenship :

Here you will find information on how you can apply to become a Swedish citizen.

Related : Work in Sweden Apply For Social Benefits : www.statusin.org/9438.html

Submitting an application:
You can submit an application for Swedish citizenship onlineopens in new window or you can use the form Application for Swedish citizenship (Ansökan om svenskt medborgarskap för vuxna), no. 316011.

Send your application to:
The Swedish Migration Agency
Citizenship Unit
SE-601 70 Norrköping

You can also submit your application in person to one of the Swedish Migration Agency’s permit units.

Documents you need to enclose :
It is important that you submit the documents requested by the Swedish Migration Agency because it makes the processing easier. You must enclose:
** your national passport, travel document or alien’s passport in the original. If you have a previously issued passport you must also send the original
** if you do not have a national passport, enclose the originals of other identity documents from your country of origin. If you have several documents, number them in the same order in which you entered them in the application form.

You should not enclose your Swedish driving license or you Swedish ID-card.

You will probably be required to pay a fee.

Further documents for EU/EEA citizens and their relatives:
In order to apply for Swedish citizenship you must fulfil the requirements needed for right of residence, a residence card, or have been given a permanent residence permit. You can also apply if you have been given a permanent residence card, or have permanent right of residence in Sweden.

You may include your children in your application:
If you have unmarried children under the age of 18 who are residents in Sweden, they may become Swedish citizens with you if:
** you have sole custody of the child or children or
** you have joint custody with the other parent and they have given their consent.

You do not need to submit separate applications for a child, simply include them on your application form. NB! You do not have to pay an application fee for the children you include.

However, you must enclose the following documents:
** the child’s passport. If the child’s residence permit is inserted in the other parent’s passport, you must enclose that as well
** a custody decision. If you have sole custody of the child and the child was not born in Sweden.

To those who have children during their waiting time:
If you have a child during the waiting time and you want the child to become a Swedish citizen along with you, send us a letter requesting that your newborn child should be included in your application. You and the childs custodian must both sign the letter which also informs the Swedish Migration Agency of the child’s name and birthdate.

Registered mail:
Because you are enclosing your passport or other original documents, you should send your application by registered mail. The post office will help you to do this.

If you have sent your application or document by registered mail you can track it on the Post Office’s websiteexternal link, opens in new window. There you can enter the number of your registered post and find out if your letter is on its way or has arrived at the Swedish Migration Agency.

Do you need to use your passport during the waiting time?:
The Swedish Migration Agency needs your passport in original in order to process an application for Swedish citizenship. You will get your passport back when your application has been processed.

If you need your passport back before your application has been processed, you can require to have it back. You should not send your passport back until the Swedish Migration Agency asks you to do so. We will write to you when we start processing your application and need you to send your passport back to us.

After decision:
The Swedish Migration Agency will send the decision to your registered address. If you have become a Swedish citizen, we will also send a copy of the certificate to the population registry at the Swedish Tax Agency. You turn to the police if you wish to apply for a Swedish passport.

If the Swedish Migration Agency refuses your application:
If the Swedish Migration Agency refuses your application, you can appeal within three weeks from the date you received the decision. You will find more information on how to appeal in the decision.

Categories: Sweden
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