Registration of Citizenship Latvia : Office of Citizenship & Migration Affairs PMLP

Organization : Office of Citizenship & Migration Affairs
Type of Facility : Registration of Citizenship
Country: Latvia

Website :

Registration of Citizenship :

Registration Of Citizenship Of A Child Born Abroad:
A child is recognised as a citizen of Latvia if one or both of his or her parents are citizens of Latvia at the moment of his or her birth.

Related : Naturalisation Procedure Latvia PMLP Office of Citizenship & Migration Affairs :

Pursuant to Paragraph one, Clause 2 of Article 2 of the Citizenship Law, a procedure under which the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs accepts and examines applications and registers a child born abroad as a citizen of Latvia is established by Cabinet Regulation of 24 September 2013 Procedure for Registering a Person as a Citizen of Latvia.

Necessary documents:
1. An application for recognition as a citizen of Latvia (application in MS Word format) providing child’s name and surname in the Latvian language and date of birth; place of residence (preferably in capital letters); contact information (e-mail, telephone number, if any). In case of uncertainty as to the spelling of a persons’ name in the Latvian language, please contact the Latvian Language Agency, by telephone +371 67225879 or e-mail:
2. A document confirming the birth of a child (a birth certificate or an extract from the Birth Register);
3. A personal identification document of a parent (s);
4. A personal identification document of a child (if any).

Where to submit documents?:
1) in person to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs
2) in person to the Diplomatic and Consular Representation of Latvia
3) By post to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (Ciekurkalna 1. linija 1, korp. 3, Riga, LV-1026).

An application for a child (up to 15 years of age) must be signed by the child’s lawful representative.

A document confirming the birth of a child should be translated into the official language (except for the case when the document is in English, German, French or Russian and submitted to an embassy or sent by post from abroad) and legalised under a procedure established by law.

Legalisation of the document is not required for public documents issued in Member States of the European Union, Member States of the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation and intended for use in Latvia. This also applies to the countries Latvia has concluded bilateral agreements with on legal assistance and legal relations in civil, family and criminal cases, namely Belarus, Kirghizstan, Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. Information about the legalisation of documents may be found at:

When sending documents by post, copies of the documents should be certified by a notary and legalised, except for a copy of the personal identification document.

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How long does the examination of submitted documents take?:
A decision on granting citizenship, updating data in the Population Register and assigning an identity number or refusal to grant citizenship is taken within one month from the day the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs receives all the necessary documents.

Where to receive additional information?:
In case of any questions or concerns please call the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs on +371 67219289, +371 67219485 or +371 67219116 or write an e-mail:

Restoration Of Citizenship Of Latvia:
Citizenship of Latvia may be restored upon a person’s request, provided it has been lost:
1) As a result of the choice made by his or her parents or adopters without his or her written consent – citizenship may be restored until reaching the age of 25;
2) As a result of the renunciation of citizenship of Latvia or revoking the citizenship of Latvia because of acquiring citizenship of an EU Member State, an EFTA Member State, a NATO Member State, Australia, Brazil or New Zealand.

A procedure for accepting and examining an application for the restoration of citizenship of Latvia is established by Cabinet Regulation of 24 September 2013 Procedure for Losing and Restoring Citizenship of Latvia.

Citizenship of Latvia shall not be restored for a person:
1) Who has acquired citizenship of a country not permitted by the Citizenship Law (except the case when a person is a citizen of an EU Member State, an EFTA Member State, a NATO Member State, Australia, Brazil or New Zealand);
2) Who has intentionally provided false information when certifying belonging to the citizenship of Latvia or during naturalisation, thus he or she has acquired citizenship of Latvia unjustifiably and whose citizenship of Latvia has been revoked by a judgement of the court;
3) To whom the restrictions specified in Article 11 of the Citizenship Law apply (except if the person is serving in the armed forces or a military organisation of an EU Member State, an EFTA Member State, a NATO Member State, Australia, Brazil, New Zealand).

Necessary documents:
1. An application;
2. A personal identification document (passport, identification card);
3. Criminal record certificate (only for persons who have reached the age of 14) issued by the competent authority of the country of nationality and issued no earlier than six months prior to the restoration of Latvian citizenship application or documentary proof of the fact that such a statement can not be obtained;
4. A document confirming payment of the State fee amounting to EUR 21.34 or EUR 7.11 for a victim of political repression, person with a disability of group I, orphan, child without parental care and person recognised as poor in accordance with the law.

Bank details:
Registration No. 90000050138
Account No.: LV35TREL1060140919700
Purpose of payment: State fee for documenting the renunciation of citizenship of Latvia and the restoration of citizenship

Where to submit documents?:
1) in person to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs
2) in person to the Diplomatic and Consular Representation of Latvia
3) By post to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (Ciekurkalna 1. linija 1, korp. 3, Riga, LV-1026).

Criminal record certificate must be translated into Latvian language (except for the case when the document is in English, German, French or Russian and submitted to an embassy or sent by post from abroad) and legalised under a procedure established by law.

Legalisation of the document is not required for public documents issued in Member States of the European Union, Member States of the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation and intended for use in Latvia. This also applies to the countries Latvia has concluded bilateral agreements with on legal assistance and legal relations in civil, family and criminal cases, namely Belarus, Kirghizstan, Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. Information about the legalisation of documents may be found at:

When sending documents by post, copy of the identity document (not notarized), Criminal record certificate (original) and document confirming payment of the State fee should be added.

Categories: Latvia

View Comments (1)

  • I was born in Australia. My Father was born in Latvia and fled to Australia with his mother, brother and Sisters during the war. My Mother was born in Latvia and also escaped during the war with her Mother, Father and Brother and sister. They both met latter and married. Both on my Mothers and Fathers side they were all born in Latvia. I want to apply for citizenship in Latvia please. What do I need to do? © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map