E-Visa/ Apply For Romanian Visa Online : Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Type of Facility : E-Visa/ Apply For Romanian Visa Online
Country: Romania

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E-Visa/ Apply For Romanian Visa Online :

Types of visas granted and issued by the Romanian state:
** The airport transit visa (marked A) allows the access into and stay in the international area of an airport until boarding the plane to the country of destination;

Related : General Inspectorate For Immigration EU/EEA Citizens Residence Registration Romania :

** The transit visa (marked B) allows access on the territory of Romania, for the purpose of transit, for a duration of at the most 5 days;

** The short-stay visa (marked C) allows entry and a short stay of aliens on the territory of Romania for no more than 90 days within an interval of maximum 6 months from the date of entry (in the case of a multiple-entry visa, the duration of the stay will be taken into account from the date of the first entry).

** The Romanian short-stay visa is granted for the following purposes: official government mission, tourism, business, private visit, transportation, participation in sports activities, as well as cultural, scientific or academic events. In the case of a holder of a short-stay visa, the stay right cannot be extended.

** The long-stay visa (marked D) allows the entry and stay of aliens on the territory of Romania for a period of 90 days at the most, for the following purposes: economic activities, professional activities, commercial activities (such as investment), religious or humanitarian activities, work, studying, family reunification, as well as research.

** The right of stay in this case is of 90 days; however, this type of visa allows for its prolongation following an official request addressed to the Romanian Office for Immigration which is part of the Romanian Ministry of Administration and Interior.

The requests for the extension of the right of stay must be personally submitted by the applicants, at the local branch-offices of the Romanian Office for Immigration closest to their place of residence, at least 30 days before expiry of the stay right granted by the visa. Overstaying the visa entails cancellation of the visa and the obligation of leaving the territory of Romania.

Short-stay and transit visas can be exceptionally granted by border checkpoint officers, at the Romanian border checkpoints, according to the provisions of Council Regulation (EC) 810/2009 of the European Parliament and Council of 13 July 2009 on the issue of establishing a Community Code of Visas (the Visa Code) and of Regulation (EC) no. 562/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council, establishing a Community Code on the rules governing the free movement of persons across borders (Schengen Borders Code) published in the Official Journal of the European Union L/105 of 13 April 2006.

The right of stay on the territory of Romania, granted to aliens under a short-stay visa, cannot be extended.

The purpose of the trip to Romania undertaken by aliens on the basis of a short-stay visa cannot be altered during their stay on the territory of Romania.

The long-stay visa shall only be granted with the approval of the Ministry of Administration and Interior – the Romanian Office for Immigration.

Aliens having entered the territory of Romania with a long-stay visa may apply for the extension of the right of temporary residence and obtain a residence permit. The request filed in this respect must be addressed to the Romanian Office for Immigration within the Romanian Ministry of Administration and Interior.

All aliens requiring a Romanian visa shall attach to the duly filled-in and signed application form a valid travel document, acknowledged by the state of Romania, to which the visa sticker may applied as well as all the documents required under the law to attest the stated purpose of the trip, the duration of the stay, financial means for the stay, as well as the possibility for the aliens to return to their home country or continue the trip to a third state, upon the end of their stay in Romania.

As to the states or territorial authorities that are not acknowledged by Romania, visas shall be granted at request, on uniform forms, regulated by the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 94/2008 on establishing measures regarding the issue of electronic passports and of other travel documents.

Who can apply for a Romanian visa and where should they do it? ?
Categories of third-country nationals who can apply for Romanian visas:
** nationals of the state of residence;
** third-country nationals who have their domicile or residence in the state where the diplomatic mission or consulate of Romania is located and who can make the proof of their legal status in that country;
** nationals of states where Romania is not represented by a diplomatic mission or a career consulate;
** in cases of great emergency, third-country nationals temporarily and legally residing on the territory of the state where a diplomatic mission or consulate of Romania is located.

The aforementioned categories of third-country nationals can submit applications for a Romanian visa as follows:
** personally or through a legal representative, in the case of underage persons;
** through a legal representative;
** through an accredited travel agency, in the case of organised trips;
** through the legal representative of the tourist group, in the case of group travelling.

Visa applications can only be submitted to the diplomatic missions and consulates of Romania.

General information:
A visa is a travel document allowing its holder to report to any Romanian border checkpoint and to require either transit through or temporary stay in Romania, for a determined period.

Of Interest – Calculation Of The Right Of Stay:
** In order to establish your right of stay on the Romanian territory, please bear in mind that the date of entry shall be the first day of stay on the territory of Romania, and the date of exit shall be the last day of stay on the territory of Romania. Periods of stay authorised under a residence permit or a national long-stay visa shall not be taken into account in the calculation of the duration of stay.
** When calculating the right of stay of third-country nationals one shall take into account maximum 90 days in any period of 180 days.
** You have the opportunity to calculate your right of stay by using the calculation method made available by the European Commission.
** In case of the states or territorial authorities not recognised by Romania, visas are granted upon request, on separate visa forms.

Pursuant to legal provisions, the representatives of the Romanian border police ask each third-country national to prove the fulfilment of the Romania entry / stay requirements. If the fulfilment of such requirements is not proven, the third-country national may be denied the entry to Romania even if he/she holds a valid visa.
The Romanian visa is issued by the diplomatic missions and consulates of Romania. A visa application is submitted to the diplomatic missions or consulates of Romania abroad, in the area where the applicant domiciles or resides, and in exceptional circumstances to the diplomatic missions or consulates of Romania in the state on whose territory the applicant stays legally.

Any third-country national who wishes to apply for an entry visa to Romania must submit the following documents:
** the application form, appropriately filled in and signed; minors shall submit a form signed by both parents or by a person who exercises, permanently or temporarily, parental authority or guardianship;
** 2 recent colour photos, size 3 x 4 cm;
** a valid travel document that is recognised by Romania, on which the visa shall be applied and which has to
** be valid for at least three months after the estimated day of exit from Romania;
** contain at least two free pages;
** have been issued within the last 10 years.
** the legally required documents that justify the purpose of the trip, the duration of stay and the possibility to return to the country of origin or to continue the travel to another country after the stay in Romania
** a travel ticket, valid to destination, or the driving license, green card and the registration documents of the means of transport, in the case of drivers;
** proof of financial means in the amount of EUR 50/day for the entire period, but not less than EUR 500 or the equivalent in convertible currency;
** travel medical insurance in amount of at least EUR 30,000.

Minors need the consent of the persons exercising parental authority or guardianship when they do not travel accompanied by the latter.

It is advisable that short-stay visa applications be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the planned day of travel. It is advisable that long-stay visa applications be submitted at least 45 days prior to the planned day of travel. The issue of visas within a very short period before the planned day of travel CANNOT be guaranteed.

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