psi.gov.sg Payment of MOE Bill for School Fees Singapore : Ministry of Education

Organization : Ministry of Education
Type of Facility : Payment of MOE Bill for School Fees
Country: Singapore

Pay Here : https://www.psi.gov.sg/NASApp/tmf/TMFServlet?isNew=true&Reload=true&app=OBCS-PUBLIC-I&AgencyId=MOE&ServiceCd=S1&AppMd=0

Payment of MOE Bill for School Fees:

** Please provide your Payment details as reflected in the MOE Bill
** The bill reference number is the BC/NRIC/FIN no. of the student as shown on the Bill

Related / Similar Service : PSI Driving Licence Delivery Status Singapore

** Please provide your contact details so that we can contact you if clarifications are needed.
** This transaction would take about 2 to 3 minutes to complete depending on the payment mode selected.

Please do not use Back or Forward buttons on your browser or double-click a hyperlink, as this may end your transaction.

If you encounter any problems with this service, please contact.

Contact Us:
If you wish to get in touch with us, please contact us at:
Finance Division
1 North Buona Vista Drive
Singapore 138675

Email: moe_fnd_anp@moe.gov.sg

Term and Condition:
By accessing and using this Site, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.

1. In this Agreement:
“Government” means the Government of the Republic of Singapore, represented by the Ministry of Finance (MOF).
“User” means the person who has agreed to use the e-payment service at eCitizen.gov.sg (referred to hereafter as “this service”) for making payment for Government on-line e-services, on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement.
“Parties” refer to the parties to the Government and the User.

2. Singapore law applies to this Agreement. Parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.

3. User must not use this service for any unlawful purpose or any purpose inconsistent with this service.

4. User is responsible for all transactions effected through the use of User’s SingPass ID and/or password, regardless of whether such transactions were made with or without User’s authority.

5. User consents to disclosure of User’s personal information to any person using User’s SingPass ID and/or password and for all purposes relating to this service.

6. User agrees to indemnify the Government against all damages, losses, costs (including legal costs) and expenses suffered or incurred by the Government in connection with or arising from any use of this service using the SingPass ID and/or password of User.

7. User represents and warrants that (i) the FlexiPay / eNETS Debit information supplied is true, correct and complete; (ii) the charges incurred will be honoured by User’s FlexiPay / eNETS Debit company; and (iii) User shall pay all charges incurred including all applicable fees. In the event that any such payment is not cleared by the bank, any receipt issued to User will be considered void.

8. User agrees to be responsible for printing or otherwise retaining records of transactions made using this service. Such records shall be for User’s own reference only.

9. Parties agree that any computer output from this service is admissible in court as evidence and is binding on Parties.

10. Government reserves the right to determine or vary the frequency and manner of use of this service at any time.

11. Government and identified third party proprietors own all intellectual property in the contents and this website and in all matters relating to this service. User must not infringe these rights.

12. Government does not make any warranty or representation that use of this service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, free from virus or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, programme or macro, free from transmission error or otherwise error-free. Government also does not make any warranty or representation as regards the security of this service (including but not limited to the access to and use of any information captured or transmitted through this service) or the accuracy or reliability or completeness of any information contained in or transmitted through this service. User agrees to assume all risk and responsibility for the use of this service.

13. Government is not liable for any damages, loss, cost or expense whatsoever (whether direct, indirect, special or consequential and whether foreseeable or not) arising out of or in connection with or referable to this service.

14. Government may vary this Agreement from time to time. Any change to this Agreement will be notified on this website and User is responsible for checking this website for updates. User shall be deemed to have agreed to any change to this Agreement if User effects any transaction after the change was notified on this website.

Categories: Singapore
Tags: psi.gov.sg
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