Apostille/ Certificate of Authentication Fiji : Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Type of Facility : Apostille/ Certificate of Authentication
Country: Fiji
Website :

Apostille/ Certificate of Authentication

What is an Apostille?:
An Apostille is an authentication of a public document issued pursuant to the 1961 Hague Convention abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents.

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The Convention provides for the simplified certification of public (including notarized) documents to be used in countries that have joined the convention.

When a document is to be used in a foreign country, it may be necessary to have the document authenticated. An authentication certifies the signature and the capacity of the official who has executed the document.

The authentication may also authenticate the seal of the official.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation authenticates public documents originating in the territory of the Republic of Fiji for use in foreign countries.

Only public documents issued by the Government of the Republic of Fiji which are signed by a notary public or other public official (i.e. Court Clerk, Registrar General, Immigration or other State official), will be authenticated.

The country of destination determines whether the authentication is in the form of an “Apostille” or a “Certificate of Authentication”.

What type of certification must my document(s) contain before requesting an Apostille or a Certificate of Authentication from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation?

Public Documents:
The Apostille Stamp applies only to public documents. The main examples of public documents for which Apostille are issued in practice include:

Registry Documents:
Birth Certificate, Death Certificate, Certificate of Marriage, Certificate of Marital Status and Divorce (dissolution of marriage) certificates.

Extracts from commercial registers and other registers; patents; court rulings; notarial acts and notarial attestations of signatures.

Education Documents:
Educational documents submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation for an Apostille or Certificate of Authentication must first be certified by an official at the educational institution and Ministry of Education attesting that the document is an official record or a true copy of the original document. The official’s signature then must be notarized by a notary public.

Immigration: (Fiji passports only)
Apostille Stamp / Certificate of Authentication is only embossed to the letter from Fiji Immigration Department after the verification / authentication of passport.

Other Documents:
All other documents (such as a power of attorney & Police Clearance Certificate) must first be notarized.

Documents which do not require Apostille Stamp / Certificates of Authentication:
The Apostille Convention neither applies to documents executed by diplomatic or consular agents nor to administrative documents dealing directly with commercial or customs operations (e.g. Certificates of Origin or import or export licenses).

How long will it take to process my request for an Apostille or Certificate of Authentication?:
The processing of documents submitted by mail or submitted in person is usually completed within 4 business days of receipt in this office.

Please note that in an event of unavailability of authorizing signatories the processing of Apostille might take longer than 4 business days.

What is the Fee for an Apostille or Certificate of Authentication?:
Presently there are no fees for Apostille Stamp / Certificate of Authentication.

Please Note:
Apostilles/ Certificates of Authentication will not be issued without these certification.

For further information please contact Sefanaia Korovou on 3239649 or Email

What our Consular Officer can assist in?:
** Provide you with information, advice and consular assistance.
** Issue you with an emergency travel document if you have lost your Fiji passport overseas.Note: It is an Immigration requirement that you report the loss of your passport to the local police and furnish our Mission with a copy of this report.
** Contact your relatives or friends to request them to send you emergency funds for your repatriation or other necessary emergency expenses.
** Notify your next-of-kin in the event you are injured abroad.
** Notify your next-of-kin in the event of your arrest or detention.
** Visit a Fiji citizen who has been arrested or imprisoned and monitor that due process under the judicial system of that country is accorded to him or her.
** Help to obtain a list of officially registered local lawyers and translation services where this is available.
** Assist in making the arrangements for the return to Fiji of the remains and personal belongings of a deceased Fijian overseas.
** Help you during emergencies such as natural disasters or civil disorder in the foreign country.

What our Consular Officer can not assist in?:
** Pay your medical, hospital, legal, accommodation, travel or other bills.
** Provide loans or cash your cheques.
** Post bails or pay fines on your behalf.
** Intervene in the judicial process of a foreign country or ignore local laws.
** Intervene in or act as an intermediary in disputes which are of a civil nature.
** Provide legal advice or initiate court proceedings on your behalf.
** Act as your guarantor or sponsor.
** Arrange for your accommodation or for your work.
** Provide translation, mail-forwarding, telephone, fax/telex or other personal services.

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