dziv.hr Patents Search Online Croatia : State Intellectual Property Office

Organization : State Intellectual Property Office
Type of Facility : Patents Search
Country: Croatia

Search Here : http://www.dziv.hr/en/e-services/on-line-database-search/patents/

Patents Search Instructions :

Registration number
Field type: textual

Related : DZIV State Intellectual Property Office Croatia Trademark Registration : www.statusin.org/9378.html

Field description:
Patent registration numbers have been entered in the database in several ways:
Patent and patent application numbers start with P, and consensual patent registration numbers start with PK, both followed by the year of filing of the patent application; two last digits of the year have been entered for applications filed up to 31.12.1999, and all four digits for applications filed after 1.1.2000. Four digits follow for the ordinal number of the patent application in the year. If the application is concerned the number ends with A. Letter A is omitted from the registration number when the patent application turns to right (a patent or a consensual patent).

Examples of patent application and patent registration numbers:

First Publication Level:
A2- Publication Of Application Without Search Report
A8- Corrected Front Page Of An Hr-A Document
A9- Complete Reprint Of An Hr-A Document

Second Publication Level:
B1- Granted Patent
B2- Granted Patent Maintained (Or Modified) After Nullity Procedure / Abandonment
B3- Short Term (Consensual) Patent
B4- Corrected Front Page Of Consensual Patent
B5- Complete Reprint Of Consensual Patent
B6- Consensual Patent Maintained (Or Modified) After Abandonment
B8- Corrected Front Page Of An Hr-B Document
B9- Complete Reprint Of An Hr-B Document

Third Publication Level:
C1- Converted Consensual Patent
C6- Converted Consensual Patent Maintained (Or Modified) After Nullity Procedure / Abandonment
C8- Corrected Front Page Of An Hr-C Document
C9- Complete Reprint Of An Hr-C Document

European Patent Applications And Patents:
T1- Translation Of The Claims Of An Ep Patent Into Croatian
T2- Corrected Translation Of The Claims Of An Ep Patent Into Croatian
T3- Translation Of An Ep Patent Into Croatian
T4- Translation Of The Claims Of An Amended Ep Patent Into Croatian After Opposition (Epo)
T5- Corrected Translation Of An Ep Patent Into Croatian
T8- Corrected Front Page Of A T Document

Title of the Invention:
Field type: textual

Field description:
The title of the invention is a textual field, which expresses clearly and concisely the essence of the invention

Related Post

Application Publication Date:
Field type: date

Field description:
Publication date of an application is the date of publication of the Croatian Intellectual Property Gazette in which the patent application has been published. Up to 30 September 2013, the Gazette was published on the last day of every month, whereas from 11 October 2013 on, the Gazette will be published once in two weeks, on Fridays (irrespective of whether that day is a working day or not

Patent Publication Date:
Field type: date

Field description:
Publication date of a patent is the date of publication of the Croatian Intellectual Property Gazette in which the patent has been published. Up to 30 September 2013, the Gazette was published on the last day of every month, whereas from 11 October 2013 on, the Gazette will be published once in two weeks, on Fridays (irrespective of whether that day is a working day or not).

Field type: textual

Field description:
International Patent Classification (IPC) is a hierarchical classification system. Using this tool, patent applications and patents are classified according to the technical content of the invention. Complete classification symbol (eg A61K 61/00 …) consisting of an Section (marked with letters A to H), Class (two-digit number, eg 04, 12 …), Subclass (a letter, eg B, K, N … ), Main group and Subgroup that are separated by a space (33/01).

Examples of IPC symbols:
A 61 K 31/13
C 08 L 23/06
F 23 D 14/02
G 02 B 1/04

Field type: textual

Field description:
Inventor is a person who has created an invention as protected by a patent. She/he may, but not have to be the applicant for/owner of a patent. The inventor, if she/he doesnt want to, does not have to be mentioned in the application.

Field type: textual

Field description:
Applicant is a person (natural or legal) who filed a patent application with the Office. Where a patent (a consensual patent) is granted on the basis of the application, the applicant becomes the owner of the right.
A search may be made only according to the name and surname of a natural person and the name of a legal person. Address is not included in the search.

Categories: Croatia
Tags: dziv.hr
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