Irish Patents Office : Trade Mark Searching Ireland

Organization : Irish Patents Office – Intellectual Property (IP)
Type of Facility : Trade Mark Searching
Country: Ireland

Website : http://www.patentsoffice.ie/en/trademark_search.aspx

Trade Mark Searching:

Trade mark registration is one of the strongest ways to defend a brand and a way to prevent anyone else using it. If you do not register your trade mark, others may do so and acquire your rights to distinguish their goods and services.

Related : Irish Patents Office Patent Grant & Renewal Fee Online Payment Ireland : www.statusin.org/9371.html

However, before applying for a new trade mark, it is essential to make sure that you are free to use it in so far as it is not similar or identical to any trade mark already existing (registered) or the subject of an existing pending application for registration of a mark in the same classes of goods or services.

It is also important to regularly consult trade mark databases and the Office’s Official Journal in order to check if similar or identical trademarks to yours are being registered. You may be interested in taking legal action against someone else’s trade mark application or registration.

Find a Trade Mark by Number:
Please enter one of the following in the box below and click ‘View Trade Mark’ to view the register:
1. Trade Mark Application Number (e.g. 2000/02222)
2. Registration Number (e.g. 219712)
3. International Number (e.g 0778012*)

*Please note that the Office treats International Registration Numbers as 7 digit numbers and inserts a leading zero ‘0’ where necessary.

Search the Trade Mark Database:
You can perform a search on any single field. You can enter text in either upper or lower case.

Trade Mark:
Enter the text of the Trade Mark you wish to search. Select one of the following from the drop down box: ‘equals’, ‘contains’, ‘starts with’ or ‘ends with’.
** If you enter ‘Guinness’ and choose ‘equals’ the system will search for the exact match of ‘Guinness’.
** If you enter ‘Guinness’ and choose ‘contains’, the system will search for everything that contains ‘Guinness’ including ‘Mrs Guinness’s Remedies’.
** If you enter ‘Guinn’ and choose ‘starts with’, the system will search for everything that starts with ‘Guinn’ including ‘Guinness Extra Stout’ and ‘Guinness & Mahon’.
** If you enter ‘ness’ and choose ‘ends with’, the system will search for everything that ends with ‘ness’ including ‘Guinness’, ‘Witness’ and ‘Turkey Business’.

This field is searched using a full text indexing system. Under this system a number of words and characters are reserved for internal system use only. If you use any of these reserved words or characters as part of your search criteria the system will ignore them. To view a full list of the reserved words and characters click on the following link: Reserved Words
** If you are searching on the word ‘Guinness’ the system will automatically return marks belonging to any Applicant whose name contains the exact word ‘Guinness’.
** You can use the operators ‘AND’, ‘OR’ and ‘NOT’ as part of your search.
** If you search on ‘Guinness and Sons’ the system will return any Applicant that contains the exact words ‘Guinness’ and ‘Sons’ in any order, e.g. ‘Guinness & Sons Limited’, ‘Arthur Guinness and Sons’.
** If you search on ‘Guinness or Mahon’ the system will return any Applicant that contains the exact word ‘Guinness’ or the exact word ‘Mahon’.

If you search on ‘Guinness and Mahon not Limited’ the system will return any Applicant that contains the exact word ‘Guinness’ and the exact word ‘Mahon’ but does not contain the word ‘Limited’.

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Goods and Services Classes (Nice Classifications):
If the field is left blank it will automatically search ALL classes.

If you wish to search on more than one class you can do so by separating the classes with a comma, e.g. 2,4,6,8,10. The system will return marks that contain at least one of the classes specified.

To view the Nice Classifications click on the following link ‘Goods and Services Classes’

Conflicting Classes:
When an application is being searched to determine if there are any earlier marks which may conflict with the mark being applied for, it is necessary to identify which other classes of goods or services may contain similar goods or services to those for which registration is being sought. The list of potential conflicting classes used by the Office which sets out the other classes which an applicant should consider searching, may be viewed by clicking on the following link: Nice-Conflicting-Classes

Figurative Code(s) (Vienna Classification):
It is not necessary to include the figurative codes in order to identify figurative marks. Marks that contain figurative elements will be returned using the other search criteria, if appropriate. To view the Vienna Classifications click on the following link: Figurative Code(s)

There is the capability to specify ‘AND’ or ‘OR’ when searching using Figurative Codes. A plus sign ‘+’ represents ‘AND’, while a comma ‘,’ represents ‘OR’.

To search for marks containing ‘a star’ and ‘a tree’ figurative codes 01.01.02 and 05.01.05 enter the following: 01.01.02+05.01.05

To search for marks containing ‘stars or sun or moon’ figurative codes 01.01.05, 01.03.02 and 01.07.01 enter the following:

Use of a combination of ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ is allowed. It is important to note that when you search using a combination of the two delimiters, AND (+) takes precedence over OR (,). For example the search 01.01.05,01.03.02+02.05.04 means figurative marks that contain either stars or (sun and children) and NOT (stars or sun) and children.

This database is for information purposes only. Whilst the Patent Office takes all reasonable care in the provision of this service, the Office will not be liable for errors or omissions in the data or for any consequences arising from such errors or omissions, including any loss which may be incurred as a result of reliance on the data. Business decisions should not be made based on this search alone.

Search the Official Journal:
1. To begin a search, you must select from the dropdown menu either a Journal number and date or a range of journals, or select all journals by ticking the “Search on all journals” checkbox.
2. Please note that if you indicate only a “From” Journal number and date, search will be done up till the latest version available. On the contrary, if you indicate only a “To” Journal number and date, search will be done from the first version available.
3. You must then select a particular section in order to narrow the headings that are searched.
4. You can then select one of the headings in order to narrow your search to that particular heading. If this is left with the value “All” then all of the headings in the current section will be searched.
5. The extended search checkbox ensures that all of the data concerning each of the records is searched, if this is not checked the keyword search searches a common subset of the data for each of the records.
6. You must click the “Search” button to begin the search.
7. Results and search options can be hidden or shown by clicking on “Show/Hide Results” or “Show/Hide Search options”.

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