polisen.se : Swedish Police Record Extract Request Sweden

Organization : Swedish Police
Type of Facility : Police Record Extract Request
Country: Sweden

Website : https://polisen.se/en/Languages/Service/Police-Record-Extracts/

Swedish Police Record Extracts

As a private individual you have the right to personally request extracts pertaining to yourself from the criminal records and records of suspected offenders.

Related : Sweden Migration Agency Apply For Swedish Citizenship Online : www.statusin.org/9298.html

En person skriver på ett tangentbord. According to the law, the Swedish National Police Authority is responsible for the criminal records and records of suspected offenders. These records contain information on individuals who have been penalized for crime and who are under reasonable suspicion for crime.

As a private individual you have the right to personally request an extract pertaining to yourself. Power of attorney for another person does not apply.
Processing time is normally around two weeks. It may take longer if there are many requests for excerpts and if the form is incomplete or unclearly filled out.

Address for submitting request forms for record excerpts:
E-mail: registerutdrag@polisen.se (only for submission of forms)
Telephone hours: Monday to Friday 08.00 – 16.30
Telephone: +46 (0)10-56 33 502
Fax: +46 (0)10-56 35 333
E-mail: mrbr@polisen.se Note! Questions are answered at this address.

If your questions relate to excerpts for foreign purposes:
Telephone hours: Monday to Friday 08.00 – 16.30
Telephone: +46 (0)10-56 33 501
Fax: +46 (0)10-56 35 334
E-mail: brud.rps@polisen.se

Request For An Extract From Criminal Records

Pursuant to Section 9 paragraph 2 of Swedish law (1998:620) on criminal records in order to assert rights in a foreign country or to gain permit to enter, settle or work there.

New application form:
From 01-12-2014 our current bank account will be closed and we will start working with a new routine for payments. This means that it is possible to pay according to the current application form until 30-11-2014. After this we will only accept payments to our new bank account.

You will be able to use the new payment routine from 17-11-2014 in accordance with the new application form. On the new application form each applicant will need to provide us with an address to which we can send the invoice. An invoice will be sent when we have received a complete application.

Sorting out rules for criminal records:
Here you will find information on how long a person is registered in criminal records. It is the penalties, or sentence, which determine how long a person is registered.

Data is removed three years after the decision:
When no charges have been brought and the person is under 18 years (SFS 2008:47)

Data is removed five years after the judgement, decision or approval:
** Monetary fines, such as speeding fines
** Fines proportional to daily income
** Refusal of access
** Data is removed five years after the sentence has expired, statute-barred
** Alternative sentence, conversion to prison for fines (Section 18 or Section 21 (1979:189) The Fines Enforcement Act)
** Statutory limitations of imprisonment (Chapter 35, Sections 8 or 9 Penal Code)
** Suspended sentences, five years if the person was under 18 at the time of the crime
** Probation, 5 years if the person was under 18 at the time of the crime
** Youth service, 5 years if the person was under 18 at the time of the crime
** Juvenile care or transfer to care under the Care of Alcoholics and Drug Abusers Act (1988: 870), 5 years if the person was under 18 at the time of the crime.
** Free from penalties, 5 years if the person was under 18 at the time of the crime.

Data is removed 10 years after the judgement or decision:
** Suspended sentence
** When no charges have been filed if the person was 18 years and older at the time of the crime (SFS 2008:47)
** Probation
** Youth custody
** Youth service
** Juvenile care or transfer to care under the Care of Alcoholics and Drug Abusers Act (1988: 870)
** Free from penalties
** Contact prohibition

Data is removed 10 years after the sentence has been served:
** Imprisonment
** Youth custody
** Psychiatric care

Data should be retained in criminal records as long as the sorting out time for other data, removal time, has not arrived. The exception is monetary fines, as they do not affect sorting out time for other data.

The longest time data may be left in the criminal records is 20 years, with the exception of prison sentences that are removed later than 20 years after release and transfer to forensic psychiatric and removed later than 20 years after discharge (Section 18 and Section 17).

If a reported crime does not result in any judgement, it will not appear in the criminal records. An acquittal in the first instance never appears in the records. If there is an acquittal in a higher court, the data is removed from the criminal record following the date when legal force was applied.

Categories: Sweden
Tags: polisen.se
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