esb.ie Online Application For New Domestic Connection Ireland : Networks

Organization : ESB Networks
Type of Facility : Online Application For New Domestic Connection
Country: Ireland

Website : http://www.esb.ie/esbnetworks/en/domestic-customers/new_domestic_online_connection.jsp
Apply Online : https://nc2online.esb.ie/default.aspx?c=1

Online Application For New Domestic Connection:

To Complete this application on line you will need the following:

Related : Allied Irish Bank Internet Banking Ireland : www.statusin.org/28527.html

Site Location Details:
Please provide ITM Grid Co ordinates of the exact location of where the electricity supply is required. Online help is provided within the NC2 Online application form.

Connection Capacity (MIC Level required):
Standard Connection Capacities:
** 12kVA is the typical supply requirement for average domestic house
** 16kVA is the typical supply requirement for a larger domestic dwelling or farm.

A fuller explanation can be found within the NC2 online form

Non Standard Connection Capacities:
** 20 kVA is the typical supply requirement for large dwelling with heating systems that demand a large electrical load.
** 29kVA is the upper limit of domestic MIC available

Type of Metering required:
You can request either 24hr metering or Time of Day (i.e. Day and Night) metering. If your night electrical load is substantial (e.g. Where night storage heating, electrical under floor heating / heat pumps are being considered) Day and night metering may be suitable.

Once applied for this can then only be changed after energisation through a request to your electricity supplier

Site Electrical Loading:
You will need to know the input loading for your electrical equipment. e.g. heating load in kW, heat pump starting current and time interval between starts etc.

Micro Generator Connections:
Requests for this type of connection can be applied for in writing

Electricity Supplier:
This application is for an electricity connection only. After you receive an offer from us and make the required payment, you will also need to make contact with an electricity supplier at the same time.

Reconnecting a Premise:
This Online Application only applies to premises de-energised for more than 2 years.

To Complete this application on line you will need the following:
A Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) is a unique 11 digit number assigned to every single electricity connection and meter in the country.

An example of what an MPRN number looks like is:
10009998888 and this MPRN is prominently displayed on electricity bills.

Reconnection of a premise can only be carried out with the metering type that was installed at time of de-energisation.

Site Electrical Loading:
You will need to know the input loading for your electrical equipment. e.g. heating load in kW, heat pump starting current and time interval between starts etc.

Increase/Decrease in Maximum Import Capacity (MIC):
To Complete this application on line you will need the following:

A Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) is a unique 11 digit number assigned to every single electricity connection and meter in the country.

An example of what an MPRN number looks like is:
10009998888 and this MPRN is prominently displayed on electricity bills.

Site Electrical Loading:
You will need to know the input loading for your electrical equipment. e.g. heating load in kW, heat pump starting current and time interval between starts etc.

For All Irish Language Applications:
An Irish Version of the online application form is under development and will be available shortly.

Important Message
You will not be able to complete this online application form unless you can provide the following details :
(i) ITM grid coordinates for your site or suitable electronic versions of site maps
(ii) Equipment electrical rating in kW for any additional heating and/or farm equipment you will need

Categories: Ireland
Tags: esb.ie
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