Obtaining a Police Certificate of Character Trinidad & Tobago : Fingerprint Department

Organization : Fingerprint Department
Type of Facility : Obtaining a Police Certificate of Character
Country: Trinidad & Tobago

Website : ttconnect [dot] gov [dot] tt

Obtaining a Police Certificate of Character:

A Certificate of Character is an official document issued by the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service that states whether or not a person has a record of previous convictions in Trinidad or Tobago.

Related : Trinidad and Tobago Applying for a Birth Certificate :

Who can apply?:
Any person nine years old or older who has lived or is living in Trinidad and Tobago can apply for a Police Certificate of Character.

How do I apply?:
If you are a citizen, or non-national living in Trinidad and Tobago, you can visit any police station in the country to make an application for a Certificate of Character. A list of Police Station locations can be found using the link below. Citizens must present a valid Trinidad and Tobago identification card, driver’s permit or passport at the time of application. Non-nationals must present a valid foreign passport.

If you are outside Trinidad and Tobago, you can apply through a representative in the country or by mail to the Police Service.

You must have your fingerprints recorded and certified by an authorised officer in the country in which you reside.

The fingerprint slip must be stamped with the authorised agency’s seal.

You must attach a copy of your passport to the fingerprint slip, showing your photograph, passport number and expiration date, date of birth and signature.

All documents should then be sent either to a representative in Trinidad and Tobago or directly to Police Headquarters at the address below:
Office of the Senior Superintendent
Criminal Investigations Department and Criminal Records Office
Police Headquarters
Corner St. Vincent and Sackville Streets
Port of Spain
Trinidad, West Indies

What happens after an application is made?:
All applications are sent to the Divisional Fingerprint Office for processing.

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You or your representative can return to the station on the fourth day after the application is made to collect the Police Certificate of Character. If you have applied by mail from abroad, the Certificate will be mailed to you.

How much does it cost?:
A processing fee of TT$50.00 must be paid at the time an application is made.

Where can I obtain more information?:
For more information, please contact the Fingerprint Department at the Police Administration Building. You may also contact the Fingerprint Section at any Divisional Headquarters.

Emergency Cases Fund :
** The Emergency Cases Fund provides access to several grants designed to assist needy persons as well as persons who have been victims of a natural disaster or who are in dire need of assistance.

What help can I get?
The grants administered under the Emergency Cases Fund are :
** Household Items Grant.
** Clothing Grant.
** Housing Repair Grant.
** Medical Equipment Grant.
** Home Help Grant.
** Dietary Grant.
** Pharmaceutical Grant.
** Education Grant.
** School Textbooks Grant.
** Special Child Grant.
** Uniform Grant.
** Burial Order or Funeral Grant.

Am I eligible?
To qualify for these grants you must be :
** A victim of disaster such as hurricane, fire or flood.
** A client of the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services or other needy person who is in dire need of assistance.

How do I apply?
** You must visit the Social Welfare Division office in your district and speak to an officer. Follow the links below to view the application form and a list of office locations. The officer will fill out an application form and your application will be reviewed.

What documents do I need?
** Estimates from the supplier of the goods or service being sought.
** Fire victims must submit a letter from the Fire Services Association.
** Any other relevant documents requested by a social welfare officer.

Where can I find more information?
** For more information on how to apply for these grants and the eligibility criteria, please contact the Social Welfare Division office in your district.

Contact information for each Divisional Headquarters location can be obtained using the link below:
Fingerprint Department
Trinidad and Tobago Police Service
Police Administration Building
Corner of Sackville & Edward Streets
Port of Spain
Trinidad, West Indies

Tel:(868) 627-4140
Fax:(868) 623-2620
E-Mail: info AT
Office hours: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, except public holidays

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