: Widows, Widowers & Orphans Pension Registration System Sri Lanka

Organization : Department of Pensions
Type of Facility : Widows, Widowers & Orphans Pension Registration System
Country: Sri Lanka
Website :

How To Do Widows, Orphans Pension Registration?

Your attention is kindly drawn to the following facts before online registration. You may obtain an accurate and active pension reference number by entering your information to this system.Be careful to enter certain information only in English language to store your data accurately in a reserved place of the database.

Related / Similar Service :
Srilanka Search your Pension Details

W&OP Re-registration

Step 1 :
Please enter accurate data only.

Step 2 :
Please read repeatedly the data entered and obtain a printed document of the same. (Printed document can be obtained through a printer connected to your computer or by saving the page and using another printer)

Step 3 :
Please obtain a printed copy by assuring availability of the documents in check – list through it may prepare your file accurately this new registration process.

Step 4 :
** Above two printed copies should be sent to the Department of Pensions by certifying through your workplace.
** Please keep note temporary number indicates at end of registration.

** The registration number will be issued within 14 days after receiving file to the Department.
** Please take two copies W&OP card printed by reaching W&OP Registration.

** Please file one copy of in personal file and retain the other copy with the officer
Please submit accurate data as your registration will depend on the data furnished.

Related Post

What are the details required for W&OP Registration?

Required Details For W&OP Registration

** NIC Number
** Mobile Phone
** Date of Birth
** Date of Recruitment
** Age at Appointment Date
** Gender
** Category of Institution
** Ministry/ Ex: Ministry of Higher Education
** Department/ Ex: Department of Examinations
** Institute Serving/ Ex: Ferguson High School
** Title
** Initials
** Last Name
** Name in Full
** Designation
** Service
** Basic Salary
** Salary Code
** Land Phone Number
** Email
** Private Address
** City
** Official Phone Number
** Official Fax Number
** Civil Status

Pensioner Information

Objectives of displaying Pensioners Data on the Internet :
** To provide a exposure for the pension payment services
** After preparing the notice of retirement 3 months prior to date of retirement, the work process which follows e.g. Allocation of a, release of allocations for payment of pension gratuity could be closely observed

** To inform pensioners of the details of their monthly pension
** To enable pensioners to keep track of their pension payment process
** To enable pensioners to retrieve details of previous pension payments

** To obtain a summary of the pension payments made at Divisional Secretariat level, with respect to numbers and amounts
** To obtain statistics regarding monthly pension payments

** To be able to update the data-base from the respective Divisional Secretariat itself
** To expedite payment of pensions through Banks
** To increase the transparency and efficiency of the monthly pension payment process

Contact us :
Department of Pensions
Maligawatte, Colombo 10,
Sri Lanka

Email : info AT
Telephone: 011 2209800 / Short Code 1970
Fax: 011 2342078

FAQ On W&OP Registration Sri Lanka

Here are some FAQs on W&OP Registration in Sri Lanka

What is W&OP Registration?
W&OP stands for Widows and Orphans Pension. It is a government scheme that provides financial assistance to widows and orphans of government employees who have died in service.

Who is eligible for W&OP Registration?
To be eligible for W&OP Registration, you must be the widow or orphan of a government employee who died in service. You must also be a Sri Lankan citizen and have a valid ID card or passport.

How do I register for W&OP?
You can register for W&OP at any Divisional Secretariat office in Sri Lanka. You will need to provide your ID card or passport, the death certificate of your spouse or parent, and proof of your relationship to the deceased.

What are the benefits of W&OP Registration?
If you are registered for W&OP, you will receive a monthly pension from the government. The amount of the pension depends on the salary of the deceased government employee.

Categories: Sri Lanka

View Comments (39)

  • My details have been sent to the Pensions Department to get W&OP number on 17th July, 2023. How can I know whether a registration number is issued or not?

    Name : J.K.B.N. Jayakody
    NIC No.:707260785v

  • Can a 75 years old unmarried ailing daughter request for a grant from her father's pension
    who died 30 years before.Father was a retired teacher. If possible what are the documents needed?

  • I tried to re-registration but in the second page, I couldn't find my place of work. What can I do?

    • I want new w&op number for newly appointed officer but I couldn't find my place of work. Please help me in this matter.

  • Can you please give me the W&OP Numbers for following IDs?

    Rengasami Selladurai I.D. 570264281 V
    Suppiah Kumar, I.D. 622773635 V
    Sampath Kumara Gunarathna I.D. 862143825 V
    Don Dolawatta Pathma Ranjani Dolawatta I.D. 658051873 V

  • I am E.M.D.G.Edirisooriya and currently working at the zonal Education Office - Bandarawela since February 2012. I worked at dental Institute - Maharagama which was under the National Hospital of Sri Lanka from 2005 to 2012. At that time my application for the W & Op was sent to your department. But my number and book is not yet received. Please be kind enough to send my W&op number to my current working place and saw it on this page too.


  • Information available from the Official Website :
    If you have any problem, send us your pension database to itunit.pd [AT] & Don’t forget to mention your problem in the mail.

  • My wife expired last month. She was a retired government servant and I am also retired government servant. On her death although I entitled to get her pension, I have not been offered the same as she has not contributed to W & OP fund. But when the husband dies, pension drawn by husband is automatically transferred to the wife on request, irrespective of the husband not contributing to the W &OP fund.

    Under these circumstances I feel that the married husband is discriminated. Please advice me how I could proceed to obtain the deceased wife's pension.

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      Who can obtain Widows' and Orphans' Pensions?
      Widow of pensioner/ officer, unemployed unmarried female children who are less than 26 years, unemployed male children who are less than 26 years.

  • We have already registered. How can we add our new personal details such as marriage details and dependence details?

  • I retained on 27.07.2016. I called for an interview regarding W & op. My W & OP no is 83/145315. Is it import to get confirmation from all working stations that dedication been made?

  • I want to know the W&OP number of Mrs.Chandralatha Wettasinghe. Her identity number is 665562506V. And now she is working in the Police department.

  • I.D.No : 423421410v
    Pension No : 01/885527
    I was able to ascertain my pension payments online by visiting website. But I am unable to do so as the same website doesn't display it since of late. Could anyone who has the knowledge help me?

  • I am a retired civil engineer, currently 85+ years old. I need to know my WNOP number so that my wife could exercise her right to my pension in due course. I tried using link that you have provided, but received the message 'Your WNOP number is still not available..please try again later'. Please let me know my WNOP number.

    Name: M.S.T. Widyaratne
    NIC: 311031163V
    Employer: Colombo Municipal Council
    Date of Retirement: 1990.11.30

  • I posted a request to send me a w&op registration card as I lost it during the 1983 riots. The w&op registration number is 113391.My present address is 4637,
    Guildwood way, Mississauga, L5R 1Z3, ON., Canada. Please send me the W&OP card early. I draw my pension in Canada, and my pension number is 611049.

  • I lost mt W&OP registration card during the 1983 riots. The assigned W&OP number is 113391. Please be good enough to issue me new W&OP Registration Card.

  • The W&OP No: assigned to me was 113391. I was issued with a Blue while I was in service. I retired on 01.01.1991 under Pub.Adm.Cir.No:44/90 of 18.10.1990. Can you please send me a W&OP CARD ass early as possible? My Pension number is 611049 and draw my pension in Canada.

  • I'm Shajeenthini, NIC no 765831644V. I already registered in W& op system. How can I see my details of registration for confirmation?

  • I am MA Ratnapala retired teacher.
    DOB : 18 9 1943
    Pension no : 505451
    I don't have a W&op number. What can I do?

  • I sent my fore set but I couldn't get my card. What can I do to get a my card. My nic no is 830792350v.

  • I didn't get my office ID card. Without office ID card can I register online for my w&op?

  • My father dead on 2015.12.20. Can I get his ORPHANS PENSIONS NUMBER?
    His name was G.A.GNANARATHNA GOT PENSION from 1981.
    Pension no is 125702.
    His nic no is 271060610v.

  • You gave W&op no on 2015.05.05 to me is 83/223839/05 05 2015. I didn't know whether this no is temporary or permanent. Further I didn't get W&0P card yet. Please send my W&OP card early as possible as I want to retire on 2015 11 18. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map