mineralsireland.ie Exploration Licensing Process : Minerals Ireland

Organization : Minerals Ireland
Type of Facility : Exploration Licensing Process
Country: Ireland

Website : http://www.mineralsireland.ie/

Exploration Licensing Process:

Exploration is done through a Prospecting Licence (PL) that gives the holder the right to explore for specified minerals over a certain area. Only licence holders are considered for Mining Facilities to develop such minerals within the licence area.

Related : Inland Fisheries Buy Your Salmon Licence Online Ireland : www.statusin.org/9486.html

A Prospecting Licence typically covers some 35 sq.km. the boundaries of which typically follow Ordnance Survey of Ireland townland boundaries.

No permit is necessary for work of a regional or reconnaissance nature. To safeguard your interest, a Statement of Interest over available ground can be made prior to any Prospecting Licence application. You will be notified by EMD if a prospecting licence application is subsequently made in the area, and given two weeks to make your own application, on a competitive basis.

To apply for a Prospecting Licence you must send the following documentation:
** Prospecting Licence Application Form
** Application Fee of €190 per Area
** If the area has never been licenced before a Map of the desired area

All applications are processed on a ‘First come – First served’ basis (except for competition ground) and if an application is successful the applicant will recieve a letter of offer stating the terms of the Prospecting Licence.

Before a Licence is finally issued the proposed licence must be advertised in local newspapers. This allows anyone with concerns about exploration 21 days to submit any issues both positive and negative for consideration before granting the Prospecting Licence.

A Prospecting Licence is normally issued for six years, with the option of renewal if the holder has met the requirements. During a licence period two reviews are undertaken to ensure Exploration programmes meet the conditions of the Licence. These reviews require Licence Holders to submit Exploration reports for the previous two years work. These reports must also be accompanied by a Confidential Work Summary Form and a Statement of Qualification Form

After six years before the licence is due to expire. A company may apply to extend the lifetime of a licence by submitting a Prospecting Licence Renewal Application Form. If the Licence Holder does not wish to renew the licence the Licence Holder must submit a Prospecting Licence Expiry/Surrender Form.

If a Licence is allowed to expire or is surrendered the Licence Area be entered in the next available Prospecting Licence Area Competition

Guidelines for Exploration:
General Principles:
Environmentally responsible management should be an integral component of all exploration programmes.

Those involved in exploration activities should make themselves fully aware of any ecological or cultural areas of interest within the boundaries of their prospecting licence.

There should be compliance with all relevant Government laws and regulations for the protection of the environment. Where such laws and regulations do not adequately protect the environment, best contemporary practice in environmental management standards shall be maintained in conjunction with effective exploration, regardless of the location of operations.

The environmental consequences of each exploration activity should be considered and planned for. Any needed changes to technique and practice should be made in order to conform with these Guidelines.

Every effort should be made to avoid pollution of the environment during exploration, arising either through inappropriate waste disposal or waste management.

Holders of Prospecting Licences should take responsibility for ensuring that all contractors and employees are fully informed of these Guidelines and legislative requirements and should ensure that adequate insurance cover is in place prior to entry.

There should be full consideration and close liaison with relevant landowners and regulatory authorities.

Any damage to vegetation, land surface or landowner property that may occur as a result of exploration activities should be minimised and corrected without undue delay.

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