Scholarship 2014 Australia : Sustainable Urban Precincts Program University

Name of the organisation : RMIT University (
Description : Sustainable Urban Precincts Program Scholarship
Country:  Australia

Related : Bond University John Eales Rugby Excellence Scholarship Australia :

Sustainable Urban Precincts Scholarship :

Seven PhD projects are available at RMIT through the Sustainable Urban Precincts Program (SUPP).

There are seven scholarships/projects available, valued at $30,000 per annum for three years.

The SUPP at RMIT is a ‘once in a generation’ opportunity to achieve a fundamental shift in momentum toward sustainability and will result in more than environmental savings.

Value and duration :
Candidates may apply for an extension of up to six months subject to satisfactory progress and school approval and the grounds for extension relate to the study and are beyond the control of the student.
A fee scholarship may be available for outstanding international applicants.

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Eligibility :
To be eligible for this scholarship, you must;
1 have completed a bachelor degree with first class honours, or have demonstrated an equivalent level of academic attainment as determined by RMIT
2 be currently enrolled in, or have applied for, a full-time research program at RMIT
3 satisfy RMIT’s PhD Scholarship requirements, outlined online:
4 PhD and Research Masters Scholarships.
Part-time scholarships may be approved for students with exceptional circumstances e.g. for medical reasons or due to significant care commitments. Part-time scholarships are not tax exempt. Please refer to the Scholarship Guidelines for further details.

How to apply :
You must submit an application to study at RMIT by the closing date to be eligible for one of these scholarships. Refer to the postgraduate degree by research for step-by-step instructions on how to apply.

In your application please note Sustainable Urban Precincts Program (SUPP) as the prospective sponsor in Section I Sponsorship Arrangements on the application form.

Please provide two copies of the application form and two copies of all supporting documents.

Close date : Applications close 31 May 2014 © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map