watergrant.ie : Online Water Conservation Grant Application Ireland

Organization : Irish Water
Type of Facility : Online Water Conservation Grant Application
Country: Ireland

Website : https://watercare.ie/grants-for-water-supply-and-water-treatment/

How To Apply For Water Conservation Grant?

A Water Conservation Grant of €100 will be paid beginning in September 2015 to households that have registered with Irish Water by 30th June 2015.

Related : Irish Water Paying Bill Online Ireland : www.statusin.org/9468.html

To apply for the Grant you first need to have registered with Irish Water, even if your household is not connected to the public water main or connected to the public sewer e.g. if you have your own source of water supply and sewage treatment, or if you are a group water scheme member and have a domestic sewage treatment system.

The Grant will be paid to the occupier who registers with Irish Water in respect of a principal, private residence.

The Grant will be paid by the Department of Social Protection on behalf of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government.

More details on the Water Conservation Grant and water charges are available on the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government website.

You Will Not Be Able To Apply For The Water Conservation Grant Until The Online Application Facility Is Made Available On This Site Between Late August And Early October 2015.

FAQs On Water Conservation Grant

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On Water Conservation Grant

1. What is the Grant for?:
The Grant is to enable households to adopt a sustainable approach to their use of water and wastewater services. Households are encouraged to spend the Grant on making improvements or repairs to their home’s plumbing system or investing in water saving devices. This should complement other initiatives, whether by Irish Water or a group water scheme, to reduce leakage in the public water supply to your home

You can use the Grant towards purchasing water butts, installing dual flush toilets, aerators to reduce the water flow from taps, or rain water harvesting systems. The Grant could be used for de-sludging your septic tank or maintaining your well to ensure it operates efficiently.

There will be no audit of how households use the Grant (receipts will not be required to be submitted).

2. Who will pay the Grant?:
The Department of Social Protection will administer the Grant on behalf of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government.

3. How much is the Grant?:
The Water Conservation Grant is an annual payment of €100 for principal primary residences.

4. I am not an Irish Water customer – I have my own well and septic tank/sewerage system or I am on a Group Water Scheme– can I avail of the Grant?:
You will be eligible to receive the Grant so long as you have first registered with Irish Water and provided all the relevant details by 3Oth June 2015. You need to register with Irish Water even if you are not a customer of Irish Water and have your own source of water supply and sewage treatment, or are a member of a Group Water Scheme.

5. I have not registered with Irish Water – am I too late?:
You will be eligible to receive the Water Conservation Grant in 2015 if you register with Irish Water before the 30th June 2015. You can register with Irish Water here.

6. I registered with Irish Water some time ago but I have moved house or will be moving before the 30th June 2015, what should I do?:
If there has been a change in your address or your household composition, you should call the Irish Water helpline on 1890 448 448 to update your details, or contact the helpline as soon as you change address.

7. What do I have to do to get my Water Conservation Grant?:
During late August and September all households that have registered with Irish Water by 30th June 2015 will receive a notice on how to apply for the Water Conservation Grant. You will be able to apply online for your Grant on this website from late August to early October 2015.

Correspondence from Irish Water will include two important numbers that you will need to apply for your Water Conservation Grant.

These numbers will be:
** WPRN (Water Point Reference Number) – a number specific to your dwelling;
** Irish Water Account or Registration Number – a number specific to you as the person who has registered with Irish water.

You will also need to provide your PPS Number and your payment account details to the Department of Social Protection to allow the Department to process your Grant payment.

The first payment will issue in September 2015.

8. What about the earlier tax & social welfare measures announced in Budget 2015?:
The Water Conservation Grant replaces the tax rebate and social protection measures previously announced, as it is a more straightforward means of addressing water issues for all households on equal terms and will reduce households’ outlay on water services both now and in the future.

9. I already provided my payment details to the Department, do I need apply again?:
Yes, you need to complete an application for the Water Conservation Grant.

Categories: Ireland

View Comments (6)

  • I applied for 100 euro grant to social protection household benefit on 28/1/15 on the form they sent. I have not received any grant to date. I have paid my water charges. Can I re-apply?

  • Why is it the watergrant.ie/complete site is not available online. I have 2 letters about it so far. Why is it not on the web.
    William Peat

  • I cannot find the online application form for the water conservation grant. I have all the necessary details ready, but no application form. Could you send me one please, Pauline C. Dunphy, 25 Sea Road. Galway. Due to a backlog of work, it is only today that I received the letter from DSP inviting me to apply for the grant.

  • I don't have a PPSN number because I AM RETIRED IN IRELAND, from the U.K. and British. I am at present in the uk, and trying to claim the water grant for our property in Cork. I have tried every phone No shown and passed on but unable to either reach a real person or a person that can help. I have just a few days to find the answer !!! Any Ideas ?

  • I received a letter from Social Welfafre Services Office, College Road, Sligo informing me that I am entitled to apply for a grant as I have paid my water charges.
    My pc will not allow to access a form online. So may I have a hard copy posted out please? to me at 151 Sandhills, Carlow, R93 P6 H6

    Thank you

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