water.ie : Paying Bill Online Ireland

Organization : Irish Water
Type of Facility : Paying Bill Online
Country: Ireland

Website : https://www.water.ie/

Paying a bill online :

You can pay your water services bill in a number of ways:
Direct Debit:
You can sign up to Direct Debit by completing our Direct Debit Mandate form and returning it to us at:
Irish Water, PO Box 860, South City Delivery Office, Cork City, Ireland.

Related :Irish Water Customer Registration Ireland : www.statusin.org/9466.html

To complete the Direct Debit Mandate form you will need your International Bank Account Number (IBAN) and your Bank Identifier Code (BIC). Your IBAN and BIC codes can both be found on your bank statement or can be requested from your bank

Online Account:
You will be able to make payments easily using a My Water online account. My Water online accounts will be launched in April 2015 and will allow you to view and pay your water services bills online. More information about online accounts will be made available shortly.

Debit or Credit Card:
You can call us on 1890 448 448 or +353 1 7072824 to make card payments over the phone. Our lines are open from 8am-8pm Monday to Friday and 9am-5.30pm Saturday. You will need to have your Irish Water account number to pay by debit/credit card over the phone.

You can pay your bill using cash at any retail outlet where you see the PayPoint, Payzone and PostPoint signs or at any Post Office. At these outlets, you can pay your bill in full or make a part payment of a minimum value of €5.

Online Banking:
Payment can be made through your bank’s online payment option. You will need the Irish Water International Bank Account Number (IBAN): IE29 AIBK 9333 8464 3085 94 and the Irish Water Bank Identifier Code (BIC): AIBKIE2D. Please include your Irish Water account number as a reference with the payment.

You can pay through An Post’s free online service at www.mybills.ie using your debit card.

You can post a cheque, together with a completed payment slip (attached to the bill) to: Irish Water, PO Box 860, South City Delivery Office, Cork City, Ireland. (Please do not send cash by post.)

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Customers with payment difficulties:
We are committed to working with customers who are experiencing difficulties in paying their water bills.

Please contact Irish Water to discuss helpful options that may be available to you.

Call Irish Water on : 1890 448 448

Billing explained:
When will I receive my water bill?:
You will receive your first bill between April and June 2015. The first bill that you receive covers the period 1 January – 31 March 2015. Water services bills will normally be issued to customers every three months (quarterly) in a billing cycle.

Bill types:
You will receive a particular type of bill based on the information you provide to us and if you have an Irish Water meter fitted at your property. You can view bill types and bill information on our Understand your bill page or you can visit our Charges page for information on unmetered and metered water charges.

Unmetered bill:
If you do not have a water meter at your property, your bill will be based on the number of adults living at the property and on whether your home is provided with both water and wastewater services or just one service.

Please see our Charges page for more information on unmetered household water services charges.

Metered bill:
If you have a water meter at your property, your bill will be based on your metered water usage. The charges for households with a water meter will be €1.85 per m3 (1,000 litres) for water supplied, €1.85 per m3 (1,000 litres) for wastewater and €3.70 per m3 (1,000 litres) for both services.

The children’s water allowance of 21m3 (21,000 litres) a year per service per child (aged 17 years old and under) will appear in detail on your bill.

Please see our Charges page for more information on metered household water services charges.

Categories: Ireland
Tags: water.ie
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