Better Energy Homes Grant Online Application Ireland : Sustainable Authority

Organization : Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
Type of Facility : Better Energy Homes Grant Online Application
Country: Ireland

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Better Energy Homes Grant Online Application :

Better Energy Homes is a Government scheme which gives fixed cash grants for insulation and heating system upgrades, helping to make your home more comfortable and cheaper to run. It is available to all owners of homes built before 2006.

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In March 2015 higher grant values and bonus payments were introduced and the scheme is now available for previous applicants to get additionalworks completed.

Over 160,000 homes across Ireland have received grants through BEH to date.

The objectives of the scheme are to:
** Support homeowners in making intelligent choices to improve the energy performance of their home
** Reduce energy use, costs and greenhouse gas emissions
** Build market capacity and competence by driving contractor standards and quality
** Stimulating market innovation

The incentive is in the form of a Cash Grant. Cash grants are fixed, irrespective of home size, though where actual expenditure is lower than the grant value only the lower amount will be paid. Payment is by Electronic Funds Transfer to the applicant’s bank.

Apply for the grant:
There are two ways to apply for a Better Energy Homes grant:
For immediate approval (see button below)

By Post:
If you rather you can fill out a paper form and send it to SEAI offices. You will receive your grant offer within 5 working days. Grant offers will be issued to the address of the home being upgraded. You will have 30 days in which to return your acceptance of the grant offer. If you do not, your grant offer will cancel and you will have to re-apply. You can download a form via the button below or call us at 1850 927000 to get a form posted out.

Before you apply please note the following:
** The grant is only eligible for homes built before 2006
** Grant approval must be in place before works commence
** Grant works must be completed to SEAI standards by a SEAI registered contractor
** Grant works, including a published BER, must be completed and paperwork submitted to SEAI within six months of the grant offer

Please complete the application form and send to:
Better Energy Homes scheme
The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
P.O. Box 119, Cahirciveen, Co. Kerry

Please note that your grant offer will be issued to the address of the home being upgraded. You will have 30 days in which to return your acceptance of the grant offer. If you do not, your grant offer will cancel and you will have to reapply. Please note that you must not make any purchases or commence works until after you have accepted the offer. If you wish to go ahead with works at a later date, you will need to make a brand new application. You can call us to confirm if we have received your acceptance of grant offer or confirm any other requirements of the scheme at 1850 927000.

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