irishabroadgrants.ie Irish Government Emigrant Support Programme Ireland : Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade

Organization : Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade
Type of Facility : Irish Government Emigrant Support Programme
Country: Ireland

Website : https://www.dfa.ie/our-role-policies/the-irish-abroad/emigrant-support-programme/
Apply Online : https://www.irishabroadgrants.ie/login.aspx

Irish Government Emigrant Support Programme

The Irish Government Emigrant Support Programme is focused on supporting cultural, community and heritage projects that foster a vibrant sense of Irish community and identity.

Related : Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade Foreign Birth Registration Ireland : www.statusin.org/9449.html

In particular the programme supports organisations that deliver frontline advisory services and community care to Irish emigrants, particularly to the more vulnerable and marginalised members of our community abroad.

In recent years the programme has also funded capital projects that ensure the long-term future of Irish communities.

Am I eligible?:
We are interested in funding projects which seek to fulfil one or more of the following objectives:
** Celebrate, maintain and strengthen the links between Ireland and the Global Irish;
** Address the diverse and evolving needs of Irish emigrants, especially the elderly, disadvantaged and vulnerable;
** Facilitate access to statutory and voluntary services in their country of residence for Irish emigrants;
** Foster a more vibrant sense of community and of Irish identity;
** Further the outcomes of the Global Irish Economic Forum;
** Support business networks to connect Irish people to each other at home and abroad;
** Research and define the emerging needs of Irish communities abroad;
** Support development of new ways to communicate and connect with the increasingly diverse global Irish, including non-traditional diasporas;
** Improve awareness and understanding of the emigrant and diaspora experience.

How to apply:
Apply online:
You should apply to the Emigrant Support Programme using the online application form only. We do not accept any hard copy applications.

Useful documents:
These documents will help you in the application process:
** Emigrant programme support user guide
** Overview of the Emigrant Support Programme

Organisations receiving grants under the Emigrants Support Programme (ESP) are required to submit, for each project a
** Narrative Progress Report, and
** Financial Report

And either (i) or (ii):
(i) Where the ESP grant is less than €100,000, a copy of the organisation’s accounts accompanied by an independent (practising) accountant’s statement.

(ii) Where the ESP grant exceeds €100,000, a copy of the organisation’s most recent audited financial statements

Online Application:
To access the Application Form, please enter your login name and password. Please note that login name and passwords issued for the previous grant rounds are now no longer valid and organisation’s must re-register for the current grant round.

To access a list of all the questions contained on the application form, along with relevant documentation, which may be of assistance when completing the application form, please click here .

Organisations who received grants under the Emigrants Support Programme (ESP) in the previous grant round are required to submit, for each project a Narrative Progress Report, and Financial Report, the template for which can be downloaded here.

If you have any difficulty accessing the application form, please contact your local Embassy or Consulate, alternatively you can contact the Irish Abroad Unit within the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Dublin.

Categories: Ireland
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