transportforireland.ie Taxi Driver Check Ireland : National Transport Authority

Organization : National Transport Authority
Type of Facility : Taxi Driver Check
Country: Ireland

Website : http://www.transportforireland.ie/taxi/taxi-driver-check/

Taxi Driver Check:

Ireland’s taxi driver check app allows taxi users to verify that the vehicle that they are about to hire has been correctly registered and that the driver has the appropriate licence to operate the vehicle. There is also the facility to email a friend with trip details.

Related : Department of Transport Motor Tax/Vehicle Registration Ireland : www.statusin.org/10076.html

You can download the app free from the Apple App store for iPhone and iPad, or Google Play store for Android devices.

Upon downloading the app, you will be asked to provide your name, email and friend’s email in order to register. The driver check allows users to search by the car registration number, the vehicle taxi licence number, the taxi driver licence number or by scanning the appropriate QR code printed on the vehicle. If the information appears incorrect, it is possible to submit a report.

The app covers licensed taxis, hackneys, limos and PSVs across both rural and urban locations including Dublin, Cork, Galway, Limerick and Waterford. There is a history section that stores all of your searches. It is a handy tool that ensures your safety and comfort when hiring a driver or vehicle.

Verify your taxi has been correctly registered and send details to a friend.

You can download the Taxi Driver Check app free from the Apple App store for iPhone and iPad, or Google Play store for Android devices.

Taxi Lost Property Information:
It is not unusual for passengers to leave items such as umbrellas, gloves or mobile phones behind when they get out of a taxi or hackney. If this happens to you, here’s what to do:

If you booked your cab through a dispatch operator, contact the dispatch operator as soon as possible:
They may be able to help you get your property back.

If the driver cannot return the item to you directly, they will generally hand it in to their nearest Garda station.

An Garda Síochána is responsible for lost property handed in by SPSV operators. When property is handed in, it is retained by the Gardaí for 31 days to enable the owner to reclaim it. You should contact your local Garda Station who can advise you if it has been handed in to any Garda station.

The Gardaí have a better chance of retrieving your property if you can provide them with the licence number of the cab you were in ** this is shown on your receipt.

If the item has not been handed in when you first make the enquiry, it may be worthwhile to ask again a week or so later, as the driver might not hand the item in immediately after it has been found.

The Gardaí will ask you for proof of identity before handing over any property.

Taxi compliments & complaints:
Welcome to the Taxi feedback form. The following system has been designed to assist you in providing feedback to the National Transport Authority.

Before continuing, please be advised that only matters that fall within the jurisdiction of the National Transport Authority can be investigated. If you were not a passenger in the SPSV, it may not be possible to investigate your complaint.

Section 64 of the Taxi Regulation Act 2013 sets out the categories of complaint that can be dealt with by the Authority.

These include complaints relating to:
** The condition, roadworthiness and cleanliness of the vehicle;
** The conduct, behaviour and identification of an SPSV driver;
** Overcharging and other matters relating to fares;
** The hiring and booking of the SPSV; and
** Identification and general appearance of the SPSV.

If the matter to which your complaint relates is of a criminal nature or you have witnessed a road traffic offence, you should contact An Garda Síochána. In an emergency ring 112 or 999.

If you are an industry member and wish to make a complaint regarding operational or policy matters, please use the Contact Us form.

About Taxi in Ireland:
The National Transport Authority is responsible for the licensing and regulation of small public service vehicles (SPSVs) in Ireland. This refers collectively to taxis, wheelchair accessible taxis, hackneys, wheelchair accessible hackneys and limousines.

SPSVs are defined as vehicles capable of carrying for hire or reward a maximum of eight passengers in addition to the driver.

There are five basic categories of vehicle licence:
** Taxis
** Wheelchair accessible taxis
** Hackneys
** Wheelchair accessible hackneys
** Limousines

In addition to the above, there is also a sub-category of hackneys called ‘Local Area Hackneys’ which are licensed for specific small areas, such as villages and rural locations.

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