Apply For Educator License : Ohio Department of Education

Organization : Ohio Department of Education
Type of Facility : Apply For Educator License
Country: United States of America

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Apply For Educator License:

Principals, teachers (including substitutes), treasurers, coaches, educational aides and pupil services personnel are among those who need educator licenses.

Contact Information – (877) 644-6338

To obtain a new license, these individuals will use an application for the credential through the Ohio Department of Education’s Connected Ohio Records for Educators system or ODE.CORE.

An educator who already is licensed to teach particular grades, (ex. prekindergarten through grade 3) who has recently earned the qualifications for another teaching license (ex. Middle Childhood) also should use the new application for the new license.

Getting Started on a New Application:

** Sign into your SAFE account, OR if you do not have one, create a SAFE account. Once you receive confirmation that it is set up, sign into your account.
** Click on ODE.CORE.
** Select the UPDATE button to enter or correct your contact information including email address on the My Information page.
** Use the drop-down menu at top right to return to the CORE dashboard.
** Select APPLY to enter My Applications.
** Find the license type that is correct for you.
** Click on Apply.

SAFE Account :

If you wish to apply for more than one credential, repeat the steps above for each credential.

After you submit your application, it will be reviewed. You will receive an email acknowledgement of your submission. While you are waiting for your application to be processed, you may login and click on the STATUS button on the CORE dashboard for information about your application. You also will receive an email when your application request is approved or denied.

Prepare for a License:

The Chancellor of the Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) approves institutions of higher education and educator licensure programs for the preparation of preK-12 educators and other school personnel. The State Board of Education for Ohio develops and approves the standards and requirements for educator licensure preparation programs.

Ohio maintains a list of approved educator preparation programs that meet required professional standards in a searchable data base. Users can view the programs by Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) or by licensure type.

Alternative Resident Educator Licenses:

Available Alternative Licenses:
** Designated subjects grades K-12
** World languages grades P-12
** Intervention specialist grades K-12

Career-Technical Workforce Development:
Those wishing to teach in a career-technical workforce development area should contact an Ohio school district or career center that has a workforce development program in an area in which they are interested in teaching.

Montessori Education:
For Designated Subjects, World Languages, and Intervention Specialist the Intensive Pedagogical Training Institute (IPTI) is a gateway to obtaining an alternative resident educator license to teach in Ohio.

The program is self-paced and available on your schedule. It will provide instruction in the principles and practices of teaching for individuals seeking an alternative resident educator license.

The alternative licensure pathway:
** Helps to expand the pool of high-quality teachers.
** Makes it easier for Ohio schools to hire and retain nontraditional candidates who wish to transition to careers as classroom teachers.
** Helps school districts to address staffing needs in teacher shortage areas.

The alternative resident educator license is an accelerated pathway to classroom teaching, allowing students, schools and communities to benefit from the candidates’ content-related expertise, life experience and successful career experience.

Renew a License:

All educators now use the Connected Ohio Records for Educators (CORE) system exclusively to renew their licenses, permits or certificates online. The online process provides a secure environment for educators to update their demographic data and pay licensure fees using a credit card or electronic check.

Before starting your renewal application, be sure your background check is still valid.

Get ready to renew your license:
If you wish to renew, advance or transition to one of the licenses listed in this section, check the appropriate link below first for special instructions. If you do not see your license in this section, skip ahead to the gray box to get started on your application.

The Office of Educator Licensure is responsible for processing licensure applications and issuing licenses to qualified candidates. We provide licensure information and technical assistance to educators, schools, school districts, and colleges and universities that prepare educators.

General Contact Information:
Phone: (877) 644-6338
Fax: (614) 466-1999

Ohio Department of Education:
Office of Educator Licensure
25 S. Front Street, Mail Stop 105
Columbus, Ohio 43215-4183

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  • I applied for an alternate path educator license but was denied. Will I be refunded with the Fee? It was around $160.00 © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map