Apply For Teacher Certification : Alberta Education

Organization : Alberta Education
Type of Facility : Apply For Teacher Certification
Country: Canada

Website :

Apply for Teacher Certification:

How to Apply:
All individuals applying for Alberta certification for the first time must complete and submit an application online.

Related : Apply for IQAS Certificate International Qualifications Assessment Service Canada :

Application Instructions:
Select the application instructions based on where you completed your initial teacher preparation program.

Alberta Graduates – for individuals who have completed a teacher preparation program within Alberta.
North American – for individuals who have completed a teacher preparation program outside of Alberta but within Canada or the United States.
Out-of-Country – for individuals who have completed a teacher preparation program outside of Canada or the United States.

Application Fees:
Application fees are determined by the location of the institution providing the applicant’s teacher preparation program:
Prepared within Alberta (Alberta Graduates) $200.00
Prepared within Canada or the U.S.A. (Out of Province) $225.00
Prepared outside Canada or the U.S.A. (Out of Country) $250.00

Note: Application fees are non-refundable.

Notification and Processing:
You will receive an email confirming a successful submission when you apply on-line. Do not submit additional applications. Please print and sign your completed application and send it to Teaching & Leadership Excellence along with required documents.

Once your signed application and payment is received, an initial review will be completed to determine if any further documents are required. You will be contacted by mail to acknowledge any documents that have been received and inform you of any further documents that must be submitted. You can also track the progress of your application and see what documents are still required online by enrolling in TWINS Teacher Self-Service.

Applications are evaluated in date order from the date that an application is considered to be complete with all required documents and information necessary to conduct an assessment of academic and professional qualifications. A letter will be sent to you confirming that your file is complete.

Once your application is complete, please allow a minimum of 60 business days for the evaluation of your credentials. Please wait until the recommended time has passed before contacting Teaching & Leadership Excellence. Your assistance will help us provide the optimum service possible.

At this time, Internet Explorer version 8 or higher is the recommended browser to access the web application.

Teacher Certification Requirements in Alberta:
Requirements for Alberta Interim Professional Certification

All teachers must meet the rigorous requirements of the Certification of Teachers Regulation to teach in the province of Alberta. Individuals are required to provide evidence of
a minimum of sixteen years of schooling inclusive of: four years of university education and a recognized degree which includes or is supplemented with a structured, pre-service teacher preparation program from an institution acceptable to the Minister of Education. The program must include at minimum, 48 semester hour credits (1 and 3/5 years) in professional teacher education coursework, inclusive of a minimum of 10 weeks in supervised student teaching at the elementary or secondary level.

All applicants must meet the following requirements within their overall post-secondary studies:
a) Elementary teachers are required to present a minimum of 24 semester hour credits in academic coursework including:
** 3 semester hour credits in Canadian Studies
** 3 semester hour credits in Mathematics
** 3 semester hour credits in Science
** 6 semester hour credits in English/French Literature and Composition

b) Secondary teachers are required to present a minimum of 24 semester hour credits in a teachable subject area, and 6 semester hour credits in English / French Literature and Composition;
** valid certification from all jurisdictions where the teacher holds or has held certification including the jurisdiction where the teacher completed their initial teacher preparation program; Statement of Professional Standing:
** currency of teaching experience. Individuals who have completed a teacher preparation program in the past ten years are not required to present verification of teaching experience;
** right to work: Canadian citizenship, Canadian permanent residency; or a valid work permit allowing individuals to teach in elementary or secondary schools;
** being a fit and proper person. Individuals will be required to submit a current criminal record check including a vulnerable sector check, and;
** proficiency in one of Canada’s official languages (English or French).

** Teacher preparation programs offered through self-directed study are not accepted for certification purposes. Pre-service teacher preparation programs completed by distance delivery may not be accepted in their entirety.
** Degrees are subject to scrutiny on a course by course basis. Deductions may be made if the institution or coursework is not acceptable to the Minister of Education. Denominational or doctrinal courses, and audit courses may not be recognized for certification purposes.
** School based or employment based teacher training programs, for example, Graduate Teacher Programs (GTP) are not recognized for certification purposes.
** Alberta Education does not pre-approve teacher preparation programs. Therefore, individuals must ensure that at minimum, the program chosen meets the above criteria.
** The results of a credential assessment are valid for 5 years from the date of the assessment letter. After five years, individuals may be required to re-apply. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map