Online Licensing System : Minnesota Department of Education

Organization : Minnesota Department of Education
Type of Facility : Online Licensing System
Country: United States of America

Website :

Educator Licensing:

The Educator Licensing Division oversees the licensing and federal highly qualified verification of all educators and administrators working in Minnesota public schools.

Related : South Dakota Department of Education Teacher Certificate Initial & Renewal Application :

The division also provides resources to assist school districts in maintaining compliance with state and federal licensure laws.

Online Licensing System:
Log into this system to apply for a new license, view your current license, renew, and more. If this is your first time accessing our system, select “Create Account” to get started.

Login Here :

Effective February 1, 2015, the fee increased for the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) background check. The first-time online application fee is now $99.15. (Please note this is a non-refundable fee.)

New! :
If you have had an account but don’t remember your access information, use one of the following options:
1. Use the “Get Login Help” link to have your account information sent to the email address that is on the existing account; or,
2. Select the “Create Account” link on the login screen to create a new security access. (You will need your file folder number and a serial number from any past license to create a new access.) The email address on used to create this account must be different from the one on past account(s).

Please refer to the Educator License Application Type Definitions below before accessing the online licensing system.

Teacher License Lookup. Search for license information on an individual educator, using their file folder number or first and last name.

Educator License Application Type Definitions:
Apply for a Minnesota Educator License through the Online Licensing System (see link above). Use the following license type definitions to determine the type of license application to complete.

First-Time Full Professional Minnesota Education License
Available to applicants who have completed a teacher or administrative licensure program or applicants applying for licensure as a school nurse, school social worker, Speech Language Pathologist, school counselor, or school psychologist.

Limited Full Time License
Available to applicants who have completed a bachelor’s degree or higher degree with at least a minor in the area being requested, but have not completed a teacher education program. Application also requires a district verification form signed by the Minnesota public school district verifying a hardship in locating a fully licensed teacher for the assignment.

Limited Intern
: Requires district and college/university signature.

Two-Year, Short-Call Substitute
Available to applicants who have a bachelor’s degree, but not in education. The school district must verify a hardship in locating licensed teachers.

Five-Year, Short-Call Substitute
Available to applicants who have completed a teacher licensure program, but do not wish to apply for a full-time license at this time. Available to related services personnel only after the issuance of a full-time Board of Teaching license.

Lifetime Short-Call Substitute
Available to applicants who held an education license and are currently receiving retirement annuities. Applicants who currently have a Minnesota File Folder Number (FFN) will need to use the paper application (available below under Forms for Processes Not Yet Available Online titled “Verification of Teacher Retirement for a Lifetime Short-Call Substitute License”). If you have never had a Minnesota FFN, you must apply using the system online for a “Lifetime Short-Call Substitute License.”

Teacher Shortage Areas:
The U.S. Department of Education has designated Minnesota’s teacher shortage areas. View the list. For information on loan deferment, cancellation and forgiveness, please refer to the U.S. Department of Education website.

Kindergarten Endorsement Licensure Option:
Individuals holding a valid Minnesota 1-6 elementary education teaching license may add kindergarten by completing an approved kindergarten methods course with practicum experience. Applicants must submit an endorsement application including the college transcript showing satisfactory completion of an approved kindergarten methods course and related fees. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map