cr.gov.hk Company Search Mobile Service : Hong Kong Companies Registry

Organization : Hong Kong Companies Registry
Type of Facility : Company Search Mobile Service
Country: Hong Kong

Website : https://www.cr.gov.hk/en/home/index.htm

Company Search Mobile Service:

Company Search Mobile Service is provided as an alternative and convenient means for you to search key company information using your smartphone and mobile devices anytime and anywhere to facilitate business.

Related : Hong Kong Companies Registry Annual Return e-Reminder Service : www.statusin.org/9515.html

You can access the Company Search Mobile Service at www.mobile-cr.gov.hk (the mobile website).

For information on the search services available at the Companies Registry’s Cyber Search Centre, please visit www.icris.cr.gov.hk.

The Company Search Mobile Service is available in three web page versions, namely, traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese and English. Details of the service are as follows :
Free Search Service:
(i) Company Name Search:
You can search the current and previous names of all companies in the Companies Register using the exact name search or left partial search (i.e. by entering the initial characters of a company name).

(ii) Document Index Search:
You can obtain a list of documents filed by a company showing the names, filing dates, and their processing status. You can conduct a document index search by using the company name or company number.

Basic company information such as the date of incorporation/registration/dissolution, company type, mode of winding-up, places of incorporation for registered non-Hong Kong companies and history of company name changes will be provided upon a company name search or a document index search.

(iii) Disqualification Orders Index Search:
You can obtain a list of the names of all individuals and corporate bodies who/which are currently disqualified by the court from acting as directors or taking up other specified offices.

Payable Search Service:
(i) Company Particulars Search: (HK$22 per company)
You can obtain a Company Particulars Report of a company. In addition to the basic company information, the Report provides information on the company’s registered office address (for local companies), address of principal place of business in Hong Kong and particulars of authorized representative(s) (for registered non-Hong Kong companies), share capital structure, name(s) of current director(s) and reserve director (if any), particulars of company secretary, particulars of receivers and managers (if any) and particulars of liquidators (if any).

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(ii) Directors Index Search:
Company-based Search: (HK$11 per company)
You can obtain a list of all current director(s) and reserve director (if any) of a company.

Director-based Search:(HK$22 per director / reserve director)
You can obtain a list of companies of which a person is currently a director or reserve director.

Director Particulars Search: (HK$11 per search)
You can obtain the particulars of a specified current director or reserve director of a company with the date of appointment .

The web pages and search results have been customised and they are best viewed on smartphones and mobile devices running on iOS and Android platforms.

How can I conduct company searches using smartphone or mobile devices?:
You can access the Company Search Mobile Service at www.mobile-cr.gov.hk using your smartphone or mobile devices anytime and anywhere and choose the search services you require.

Can I use any smartphone or mobile devices to access the Company Search Mobile Service?:
Yes. You can use any smartphone or mobile devices which can access the internet to log in the Company Search Mobile Service. The web pages and search results have been customised and they are best viewed on smartphones and mobile devices running on iOS and Android platforms.

Is there any time limit for viewing search results?:
No. However, the system will log out your connection in 20 minutes if you do not conduct another search. You may log in the Company Search Mobile Service again anytime.

Can I save the search results, company particulars report, directors index report or director particulars report?:
Yes. You can save any screens using the screen capture function of your smartphone or mobile device.

Can I use the “Page Back” button of the browser of my smartphone or mobile device?:
The use of the “Page Back” button of the browser of your smartphone or mobile device may cause unexpected behaviour or incorrect search results. You are advised to use the “Back” or “Home” button provided on each web page of the Company Search Mobile Service if necessary.

Service Support:
You can contact the 24-hour Help Desk Support Service Team for assistance:
Telephone: (852) 8201 8273
Email: cr.helpdesk@pccw.com.

Tags: cr.gov.hk
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