Luas Smart Card Online Registration : Ireland Transport

Organization : Transport of Ireland
Type of Facility : Luas Smart Card Online Registration
Country: Ireland

Website :

Register For Luas Smart Card:

If you purchased your Luas Smart Card online, by phone or by completing a postal application your card is automatically registered in your name which means if it is lost or stolen you can call us and cancel the card.

Related : Department of Transport Change of Vehicle Ownership Online Ireland :

We will issue you with a new card at no cost to you. If you purchased your smart card in a sales agents your card will not be automatically registered in your name. You can however complete the registration form below and post it to us at Luas Smart Card, Veolia Transport Ireland, Luas Depot, Red Cow Roundabout, Clondalkin, Dublin 22. We will register your Luas smart card in your name.

Register Here :

Student Tickets:
If you are currently studying in Ireland, you can avail of a Student Travel Card and travel on Luas with discounted fares especially for students.

Apply for a Student Travel Card:
In order to apply for a Student Travel Card, you need to be enrolled in a full time eligible education course in secondary school or College. Should you wish to apply for a Student Travel Card please click

What advantages?:
Student Travel Card is offering exclusive discounts of up to 40% on Irish Rail, DART, Dublin Bus and Luas. As well as those advantages, you can get over 200 discounts nationwide on production of the card in-store as well as online using your unique card number.

If you require further information about the Student Travelcard, please visit the dedicated website:

Child Tickets:
Children aged 4 to 18 years old benefit from reduced fares. Children aged 3 and under can travel free on Luas but must be accompanied by a paying passenger.

Flexi Tickets & Combi Tickets:
Flexi-Tickets are valid in all zones on both Luas lines.

Get your Flexi-Tickets from Luas Ticket Machines and Luas Tickets Agents. Flexi-Tickets from Luas Tickets Agents are cheaper than those purchased at the Ticket Machines. Child 30 Day tickets can only be bought in Luas Ticket Machines.

Get your tickets from Luas Ticket Machines and Luas Tickets Agents.

What do I do when issued a refund ticket?:
You’ve been issued a refund ticket from our ticket vending machine (T.V.M) instead of correct change; this is usually due to that machine running out of coins. If this happens you have two options, you can: go to the depot at the Red Cow or Sandyford Stops between the hours of 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday and we can issue you with your refund or you can post this ticket in to our address (found in the contact us section) along with your name and address so we know where to send it back to.

If you have any other queries regarding refunds please contact Luas Customer Care on LoCall 1850 300 604

Will my travel pass cover my fare for travelling on the Luas?:
Yes. If you are a holder of a social welfare travel pass (smart pass for Northern Irish holders).Pass holders are permitted to free travel on Luas, we ask that you have your pass on your person at all times as tickets are regularly checked on board trams and you will need to present this if requested. If your pass states that it is a companion pass it is ok for your companion to travel freely with you for your journey. If you have any other questions please contact Luas Customer Care.

Where do I find out information on Standard Fares?:
For any information relating to Standard fares please contact Luas Customer Care with your query. LoCall: 1850 300 604 or email:

To make payment on a standard fare with a credit/laser card, please go to the ‘Pay a Standard Fare’ option on our homepage.

Can I take a bicycle on board the tram?:
Only collapsible bicycles stored in a carrier bag may be brought on board. Otherwise no bicycles are allowed. This is stated in our Bye Laws.

Where are the cycle parking facilities?:
Bicycle racks are provided at most Stops

Are animals allowed on Luas?:
Guide Dogs are allowed on Luas. Other dogs and animals are allowed on the tram provided they are in an appropriate enclosed pet carrier case / box. Their travel is at the discretion of Luas Staff.

Where can I cross the track?:
There are designated crossing points at each Stop, where the track is level with the pathway. In the city you should also cross at pedestrian crossings, which usually cross roads and LUAS lines. Remember to use the Safe Cross Code when crossing.

What do I do if I need assistance on board the tram or at the Stop?:
** Passengers requiring assistance should call LoCall 1850 300 604.
** Luas Customer Care hours are Monday to Friday 7am – 7pm and Saturday 10am – 2pm
** On board the tram there is an emergency passenger communication device, located on a doorpost to the right side of every pair of doors; this enables a passenger to speak directly with the driver.
** There is an emergency brake lever located at every door which will cause the tram to Stop in the event on an emergency.
** False activation of the emergency brake will result in a fine.
** There is an Emergency Help Point at each Stop.
** Press the large Red button once.
** This will connect you to the control room.
** The CCTV system at the Stop means the staff can see who has pressed the button.
** The staff member and the passenger who requires assistance can now speak to each other.

How do I get from the Green Line to the Red Line?:
There is no public transport linking the two. The most direct route is down Grafton Street, across College Green and up O ‘Connell Street to Abbey Street. It is a 15 minute walk. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map