Driving Licence Renewal Hong Kong : Transport Department

Organization : Transport Department
Type of Facility : Driving Licence Renewal
Country: Hong Kong

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Driving Licence Renewal:

Full Driving Licence for Non-commercial Vehicles:
A full driving licence may be renewed at any time during the 4 months before its expiry.

Related : Hong Kong Transport Department Driving Test Appointment Booking :

However, a driving licence that has expired for a period exceeding 3 years is not renewable. In such circumstances, if you wish to re-obtain a full driving licence, you will be required to take a new road test again and complete the probationary driving period (for motor cycle, motor tricycle, private car and light goods vehicle). In this regard, you will be exempted from taking the written test.

What to bring?:
** Either completed application form TD557 together with photocopy of Hong Kong Identity Card or completed application form TD578 (it is a reminder-cum-application form sent by us to a driving licence holder by mail at around 3 months before its expiry) or completed application form TD601 (it is a reminder-cum-application form sent by us to a driving licence holder by mail at around 3 months before the deadline for its renewal, i.e. 3 years after its expiry);

** Original or copy of proof of present address (residential address and correspondence address) which is issued not more than 3 months from now (e.g. water/electricity/ gas/mobile phone bill or bank correspondence);

** Valid Government driving permit (GF8) or documentary proof issued by Government department (only for applicants with driving licence for Government vehicles);
** Medical examination report form TD256 duly completed by a registered medical practitioner (only for applicants aged 70 or above); and

** Required fee (you may make enquiries at the enquiry counters of licensing offices or through 1823 Call Centre, refer to the licence fees table (TD341) at the licensing offices, or visit Transport Department’s website for information).

Probationary Driving Licence:
The probationary driving licence can be renewed for 6 months. For renewal of the probationary driving licence due to extension of the probationary driving period, you may submit an application at any time within 15 days before its expiry or not more than 3 years after its expiry.

What to bring?:
** Completed application form TD590;
** Hong Kong Identity Card (photocopy);

** Original or copy of proof of present address (residential address and correspondence address) which is issued not more than 3 months from now (e.g. water/electricity/ gas/mobile phone bill or bank correspondence);

** Medical examination report form TD256 duly completed by a registered medical practitioner (only for applicants aged 70 or above); and
** Required fee (you may make enquiries at the enquiry counters of licensing offices or through 1823 Call Centre, refer to the licence fees table (TD341) at the licensing offices, or visit Transport Department’s website for information).

Full driving licence with commercial vehicle class(es):
Commercial vehicle class(es):
Private Light Bus (class code 04), Public Light Bus (class code 05), Taxi (class code 06), Private Bus (class code 09), Public Bus (class code 10), Public Bus – Franchised (class code 17), Medium Goods Vehicle (class code 18), Heavy Goods Vehicle (class code 19), Articulated Vehicle (class code 20) and Special Purpose Vehicle (class code 21) are vehicles requiring Commercial Driving Licences.

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A driving licence that has expired for a period exceeding 3 years is not renewable. In such circumstances, if you wish to re-obtain a full driving licence with commercial class(es), you will be required to re-apply it vide sub-section 2.7 or FAQ for details.

What to bring?:
** Completed application form TD557;
** Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card (photocopy) for Hong Kong permanent resident, while Hong Kong Identity Card (photocopy) together with his valid travel document (original and photocopy) for a holder of Hong Kong Identity Card (other than a Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card) who is not subject to any condition of stay other than a limit of stay as defined in section 2(1) of the Immigration Ordinance (Cap. 115);

** Original or copy of proof of present address (residential address and correspondence address) which is issued not more than 3 months from now (e.g. water/electricity/ gas/mobile phone bill or bank correspondence);
** Medical examination report form TD256 duly completed by a registered medical practitioner (only for applicants aged 70 or above); and

** Required fee (you may make enquiries at the enquiry counters of licensing offices or through 1823 Call Centre, refer to the licence fees table (TD341) at the licensing offices, or visit Transport Department’s website for information).

Cancellation of Driving Licence:
If you do not fulfill the conditions and requirements necessary for the issue of driving licence or are suffering from any disease or physical disability specified in the First Schedule of the Road Traffic (Driving Licences) Regulations (see Appendix A for details), your driving licence will be cancelled.

If you are suffering from any disease or physical disability other than those specified in the First Schedule of the Road Traffic (Driving Licences) Regulations and it is found that your driving will endanger the public owing to such disease or physical disability after an enquiry conducted by the Commissioner for Transport, your driving licence will also be cancelled.

If, pursuant to the order of a court, you are disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence, you should deposit any driving licence held by you with the court and cease driving immediately until the expiry of the period of disqualification.

Notice of Change of Personal Particulars:
If you are a driving licence holder/registered owner, you should notify the Commissioner for Transport in writing or by submitting the completed Transport Department Form TD559 of any change in the name, address or identity document within 72 hours after such change. If there is any change on the driving restrictions such as the requirement on wearing corrective lenses or hearing aids, you should also notify the Commissioner for Transport immediately by submitting the completed Transport Department Form TD559 so that we would update your driving licence records accordingly. Transport Department Form TD559 is available in any licensing office and at the Transport Department’s website.

For notification of change of address, original or copy of proof of present address (residential address and correspondence address) which is issued not more than 3 months from now (e.g. water/electricity/ gas/mobile phone bill or bank correspondence) shall also be submitted.

Any person who fails to comply with the above requirements would be liable to a fine of $2,000.

Duplicate Driving Licence:
If your driving licence is defaced, damaged or lost, you should report to any licensing office by completing application form TD106, together with the required fee, to obtain a duplicate driving licence.

Required fee (you may make enquiries at the enquiry counters of licensing offices or through 1823 Call Centre, refer to the licence fees table (TD341) at the licensing offices, or visit Transport Department’s website for information).

Concessions to Disabled Drivers:
If you have proved your fitness to drive a private car and produced to the Commissioner for Transport a certificate, signed by or on behalf of the Hospital Authority, stating that you are suffering from a permanent disease or physical disability that causes you considerable difficulty in walking, you may apply for exemption from payment of the fees required for a driving test and the issue or renewal of a driving licence for private car. However, you are still required to pay the levy for the Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Scheme. Please note that the exemption is applicable to private car only.

Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Scheme:
On the first issue and renewal of driving and vehicle licences, appropriate contribution has to be made to the Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Scheme to assist accident victims and dependents.

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