zzzs.si : Slovene Health Insurance Card Slovenia

Organization : Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije
Type of Facility : Slovene Health Insurance Card
Country: Slovenia

Website : https://www.zzzs.si/

Slovene Health Insurance Card:

The health insurance card is a document applied in the implementation of rights deriving from compulsory and voluntary health insurance in Slovenia. It is issued, free of charge, to every person upon the first regulation of the compulsory health insurance status in Slovenia.

Related : Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije Compulsory Health Insurance Slovenia : www.statusin.org/9565.html

The card provides easy, fast and accurate transmission of data between the insured persons, health insurance providers and health care service providers. This arrangement simplifies a number of procedures, and, in particular, is friendly to the insured persons, as it eases administrative barriers in their implementation of health insurance rights.

The data, stored in the HIIS databases, are protected against unauthorised access by being accessible only to the holders of health professional cards. This ensures a high security level, the significance of which is growing along with the progressive extension of the data set.

The card system is aligned with the needs of the Slovene health care and health insurance, while also complying with the international recommendations and standards. It is worth emphasising that Slovenia was the first country to introduce an electronic card at a national scale, and that other EU member countries are introducing similar infrastructure. The common objective of the EU member countries is to introduce an electronic document applicable both within a country and across its borders.

To get more info on the health insurance card, you are invited to consult us at kzz@zzzs.si.

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All about the Health Insurance Card System:
The Slovene health insurance card system was introduced, at the national scale, in the year 2000. The system provided the insured persons with a smart card and set up data links between the health care service providers and health insurance providers (the Health Insurance Institute and the two voluntary health insurance providers).

The health insurance card system, effectively combining the smart card technology and the network services, brought the following benefits:
** reliable identification of the insured person at all the health care entry points;
** improvements in data flows between all the involved actors (insured persons, health care service providers and health insurance providers);
** higher levels of data privacy and security;
** strengthening of IT literacy among the health care workers;
** higher operational efficiency and reduction of the volume of administrative tasks, to allow more time to the health care service providers to engage in professional tasks.

Card Data:
The card holds following electronic data:
** identification number (HIIS number),
** card issue number,
** name and surname of the card holder,
** gender,
** date of birth.

The new card, unlike the old, also contains two digital certificates. With the first one, the insured person allows medical professionals access to data in back-office systems. The second certificate is intended for the holder to access his own data in back-office systems of health insurance companies and healthcare providers. Using a new card for accessing their own data will be possible in the next developmental stage when the necessary software solutions for such access will be developed.

Contact Details:
You are invited to submit any comments or technical inquiries directly to the officers responsible for specific fields:
Anka Bolka, development pojects;
Martina Zorko, development pojects;
Blaž Zadel, development projects:
Veronika Korošec, card system operations.

Our personal e-mails are copmosed in the following way: firstname.familyname@zzzs.si .

You can also reach the HIC System Sector through e-mail or by post, at the address:
Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia,
Miklošiceva 24,
SI – 1507 Ljubljana
fax: + 386 1 2312182
e-mail: kzz@zzzs.si

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Tags: zzzs.si
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