Quezon City Death Benefits Welfare Assistance Philippines

Organisation : Quezon City
Facility Name : QC Death Benefits Welfare Assistance
Country : Philippines
Website : https://quezoncity.gov.ph/qcitizen-guides/how-to-avail-of-the-qc-death-benefit-welfare-assistance/

How To Avail QC Death Benefits Welfare Assistance?

The QC Death Benefits Welfare Assistance is a financial assistance program of the city government for the bereaved family of the senior citizens of the city in accordance with the City Ordinance SP-2544, series of 2016. The application for this financial assistance should be within three (3) months AFTER the death of the QC-resident Senior Citizen.

** Duly-accomplished QC DBWA Application Form;
** Original OSCA ID of the deceased senior citizen;
** Certified True Copy of the Death Certificate of the deceased senior citizen issued by the QC Civil Registry Department or the Philippine Statistics Authority; and
** Copy of a valid ID of the person processing the application.

Documents Required For QC Death Benefits Welfare Assistance

In processing the QC DBWA, identify the relationship to the deceased senior citizen and submit the additional necessary document/s:

If spouse:
PSA Copy of Marriage Certificate

If child:
PSA Copy of Birth Certificate

If parent:
PSA Copy of Birth Certificate

Related Post

If sibling:
** PSA Copy of Birth Certificate
** Affidavit of Undertaking and Commitment (available at OSCA or to the District Action Offices)

** Prepare and submit the necessary documents for the processing of the QC DBWA to the OSCA or to the nearest District Action Offices for verification of the documents.
** After the verification of the documents submitted, applicants will be asked to give his/her contact number for the release date.

Type of Death Benefit:
Quezon City offers various death benefits depending on the cause of death. Are you inquiring about benefits related to natural causes, work-related accidents, or other specific circumstances?

Different programs have different eligibility requirements. Knowing who passed away (e.g., senior citizen, indigent individual, government employee) will help narrow down the relevant programs.

Specific Welfare Assistance:
Quezon City also offers various welfare programs beyond death benefits. Knowing the specific type of assistance you’re interested in (e.g., financial aid, medical assistance, livelihood programs) will lead to more accurate information.

Contact Information:
Contact Person: Ms. Rowena San Agustin / Mr. Ronan Aragon (Persons-in-Charge)
Office Address: Gate 3, Quezon City Hall Complex, Kalayaan Avenue, Quezon City
Contact Number: (8) 703-2843

Categories: Philippines
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