Payment of Taxes Argentina : Federal Administration of Public Revenue

Organization : Federal Administration of Public Revenue
Type of Facility : Payment of Taxes
Country: Argentina

Website :

Payment of Taxes:

To pay the tax obligations, a person can find the information related to the places authorized to collect the payments and the diverse methods of payment accepted. Access to this information selecting the Tax or Regime.

Related : Argentina AFIP CUIT Identification Number For Taxpayers :

List of banks authorized to collect the payment of the taxes :
Value Added Tax (V.A.T ):
Large taxpayers: pay through a bank wire transfer after generating a VEP – electronic ticket (available in Spanish)

Other taxpayers: pay in cash, with a cheque: official cheque, financial cheque, or cashiers’ cheque *, bank transfer, VEP – Electronic Ticket- (available in Spanish), or through an ATM. * Cheque that must be issued when the amount of money to be paid exceeds the ARS10, 000 (ten thousand Pesos)

Social Security:
Large taxpayers: pay through a bank wire transfer after generating a VEP – electronic ticket (available in Spanish)

Other taxpayers: pay in cash, with a cheque: official cheque, financial cheque, or cashiers’ cheque *, bank transfer, VEP – Electronic Ticket- (available in Spanish), or through an ATM. * Cheque that must be issued when the amount of money to be paid exceeds the ARS10, 000 (ten thousand Pesos)

Simplified tax as to 06/2004:
Taxpayers can pay in cash, with a cheque: official cheque, financial cheque, or cashiers’ cheque *, bank transfer, VEP – Electronic Ticket- (available in Spanish), through an ATM or automatic bank debit. * Cheque that must be issued when the amount of money to be paid exceeds the ARS10, 000 (ten thousand Pesos)

Simplified regime as from 07/2004:
The taxpayers under the simplified tax can pay in cash, with a cheque: official cheque, financial cheque, or cashiers’ cheque *, bank transfer, VEP – Electronic Ticket- (available in Spanish), through an ATM, automatic bank debit or credit card.* Cheque that must be issued when the amount of money to be paid exceeds the ARS10, 000 (ten thousand Pesos)

Related Post

Income Tax and Taxes on Personal Assets:
Large taxpayers: pay through a bank wire transfer after generating a VEP – electronic ticket (available in Spanish)

Other taxpayers: pay in cash, with a cheque: official cheque, financial cheque, or cashiers’ cheque *, bank transfer, VEP – Electronic Ticket- (available in Spanish), through an ATM, automatic bank debit or credit card. * Cheque that must be issued when the amount of money to be paid exceeds the ARS10, 000 (ten thousand Pesos)

Bank wire transfer.:
Online banking:
To use this service, a person will have to go with the debit card to an ATM of the same bank to obtain the access code.

Complaints Of Customs Individuals :
1. Telephone , by contacting the Complaint Attention Center at 0800-999-2347 (AFIP), from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please note that it is essential to have the domicile of the accused.
2. Addressing personally to any of the AFIP-DGA units or

Social Security Complaints :
** Denunciation Of A Worker For Lack Of Contributions Of Your Employer
** They are personally received at any of the country’s AFIP-DGI units regardless of the address of the worker or employer denounced.
** If the worker has died, the denunciation may be made by his / her widow / widower or his / her rights.

Radicate The Complaint Must Describe :
The complainant worker must describe the official who attends :
** The total period worked in the company and in what period the lack of contributions occurred.
** Clear and specific description of the facts denounced and any other information that is of interest for the purposes of the investigation.

Proof That You Should Contribute :
And you must provide the following elements that prove your complaint :
** DNI in original and copy. If it is “DNI Notebook” copy of the 1st and 2nd sheet and the change of address, if there was one. IDENTITY CODE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Foreigners who do not yet have an Argentine document must present proof of “DNI in process” and Constancia of “CUIL Provisorio”.

** In all cases, the DNI and its photocopy must be in good condition, allowing to clearly distinguish its data. It is advisable that the address is updated so that you can receive a copy of the resolution on your complaint.

** List of ANSeS contributions updated and
** Display receipts of assets of the periods in which the contributions have not been credited.

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