INDIRA Customs Records Information Exchange System : Argentina Federal Administration of Public Revenue AFIP

Organization : Federal Administration of Public Revenue
Type of Facility : INDIRA System – Customs Records Information Exchange
Country: Argentina

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INDIRA System Customs Records Information Exchange :

What is the INDIRA System?:
It is a computerized system implemented among the Member States of MERCOSUR (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay).

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The Customs Administrations exchange international information through an online data base; a tool that permits them to analyze the risks, thus improving the controls of the international supply chain.

Creation of the INDIRA System:
The system was first implemented in August 2004 in MERCOSUR and then it was included in the Resolution 54/04 of the Common Market Group under the heading “Elimination of the Common External Tariff Double Charge and Distribution of Customs Duties”.

Said Resolution indicates that the Member States have to interconnect their Customs systems and to agree on the information they will request for the imports and exports from the Members States.

Type of information to be exchanged:
Each Member State will offer the other Member States the intra and extra regional import information and the intra regional export information. Therefore, the request can be made using:
1. the destination number; or
2. other numbers (CUIT –Taxpayer Identification Number-, harmonized code number, import or export number, intra or extra region number).

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** Online and easy access;
** Precise or selective searches, thus avoiding unnecessary exchanges of information;
** Access control through secure levels;
** The information agreed is the one provided for the drafting of the Single Customs Document of MERCOSUR;

** Each Member State has to record at least the basic information agreed;
** The requesting Customs is the one that authorizes the users and guarantees the traceability of the transactions;
** Confidentiality, a commitment that the requesting Customs assume when requesting information to other countries;

** It is not necessary to exchange charts to decode the information, because the information is already decoded unless it is necessary to establish a common codification for all the countries (not for the NCM).

The INDIRA System is used to facilitate trade and prevent, investigate and suppress the customs offenses. In addition, it permits a better allocation of the Customs resources and a better implementation of the Customs legislations.

Current state:
The INDIRA System is permanently reviewed by MERCOSUR to include new information and consultations at the request of the Member States and with their approval.

The Argentina Customs is working to implement the information exchange at a bilateral level with the Customs Administrations of Chile, Bolivia and Mexico in accordance with the characteristics of the INDIRA System.

This tool helps the Customs to accomplish their risk management mission, as set forth in the SAFE Framework of Standards (Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade) of the World Customs Organization (WCO).

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