Argentina AFIP Federal Administration of Public Revenue : Postal & Courier Service System

Organization : Federal Administration of Public Revenue
Type of Facility : Postal & Courier Service System
Country: Argentina

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Postal & Courier Service System :

What does postal mail mean?:
For Customs purposes, postal mail means “the mail sent in the country of origin and in the country of destination through the postal services, as provided by the international conventions ratified by the Nation and according to the provisions set forth in the regulations”. (Customs Code Section 550 (Law 24633))

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Who are the users of the Postal Service System?:
Any natural or legal person who wants to send any kind of item by postal mail shall comply with the provisions set forth by the Postal Service.

Which operations does this system include?:
** The import and export of goods, whether for commercial purposes or not, can be made through the postal service. (Customs Code Section 552, (Law 24633))
** Goods imported or exported with commercial purposes and shipped through the postal service must comply with the general rules of the Customs legislation. (Customs Code Section 552, (Law 24633))
** The occasional import and export of goods that can be presumed to be for the consignee’s or his family’s personal use or consumption due to the amount, quality, variety and value shall be considered imports and exports without commercial purposes. (Customs Code Section 552, (Law 24633))
** In addition, the “parcel posts” which weight does not exceed the twenty (20) kilograms, can be sent directly to destination or across one or several countries. This provision of the Universal Postal Union is set forth in Section 2 of the “Parcel Post Agreement (packages, baggage)”ratified by Argentina

Imports through the postal service:
The imports through the postal service can be as follows:
** Parcel posts for personal purposes
** Parcel posts for commercial purposes
** Door to door postal services (EMS)

Postal Parcels for personal purposes:
There are different exemptions for parcel post for personal purposes

Up to U$S 25:
Parcel posts up to USD 25 shall be free of duty. This exemption applies once every calendar year per person.

Between U$S 25 and U$S 999:
These parcel posts shall pay a unique tax of 50% when there is a surplus

More than U$S 999:
Parcel posts over USD999 must comply with the regulations of the “Postal Services for commercial purposes” and with the General Regime

Parcel posts for commercial purposes
The parcel posts for commercial purposes are subject to the general rules related to the import of goods in the Customs legislation. In the next page you will find information about the requirements for importers and exporters.

Door to door postal service (EMS) (ANA Res.743/95):
The Post Office of Argentina makes door to door deliveries. The goods are sent to the destination through an express service called “EMS” (Express Mail Service).

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The EMS is the fastest service within the International Mail Service and is used to deliver documents and goods with priority and under preferential conditions. It is exclusively sent by air.

The concepts and definitions of the import by mail apply to these item as well. However, the exemptions are:
** Parcel posts up to USD 25 shall be free of duty.
** Parcel posts between USD 25 and USD 3000 shall pay a unique tax of 50% when there is a surplus
** Parcel posts over USD 3000 must comply with the regulations of the “Postal Services for commercial purposes” and with the General Regime

Exports through the postal service:
The exports through the postal service can be as follows:
** Parcel posts for personal purposes
** Parcel posts for commercial purposes
** Books and/or magazines printed and edited in the country

The Postal Service System does not permit the payment of exports incentives when sending parcel posts.

Parcel posts for personal purposes:
The occasional import and export of goods that can be presumed to be for the consignee’s or his family’s personal use or consumption due to the amount, quality, variety and value shall be considered “parcel posts for personal purposes”

A person can send this kind of parcel post once a month as long as its value does not exceed the equivalent to ten thousand dollars (USD 10,000)

When there are second hand clothes or promotional products, whether used or not, of national origin, the parcel must be opened, verified and finally closed in front of the Customs Service that shall:
** In the case of second hand clothes, verify that the corresponding authority has issued a Disinfection Certificate;
** In the case of medicines, verify that the corresponding authority has supervised the possible consequences to the public health at national level;
** When the parcels are sent door to door, they must be in containers called “bags” made of transparent material, so that a person can see the content without opening the bag or they must be in closed parcels in the case of commercial documents or business papers included on one mail, except when the parcels have commercial purposes.

Parcel posts for personal purposes are not subject to economic prohibitions. (Customs Code, Section 555 (Law 24633))

Parcel posts for commercial purposes:
The parcel posts for commercial purposes are subject to the general rules related to the export of goods in the Customs legislation. In the next page you will find information about the requirements for importers and exporters.

Books and/or magazines printed and edited in the country:
The subscription to books and/or magazines printed and edited in the country and which total amount is up to two hundred dollars (USD 200) can be sent monthly in parcels for personal purposes as long as they cost fifty dollars (USD 50) each.

In addition, the free international delivery of books and magazines printed and edited in the country and written in Spanish is permitted only if they are sent in parcels that do not exceed the twenty kilograms (20 kg.) and containing no more than five (5) samples, in the case of complete works. Any branch of the Post Office can make the delivery and it does not require Customs or bank applications.

Postal Service Providers PSP / Couriers Imports and Exports System:
Law 22415– Resolution 2436/96 ANA – Resolution 3236/96 ANA – General Resolution AFIP 1811 – General Resolution AFIP 2021

The Postal Service Providers or Couriers admit, classify, transport, distribute and deliver mails, letters, postcards and parcels that do not exceed the fifty kilograms (50 kg.) from or to international locations.

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