Residence Permit Procedure For Foreigners : Turkish National Police

Organization : Turkish National Police
Type of Facility : Residence Permit Procedure For Foreigners
Country: Turkey

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Residence Permit Procedure For Foreigners :

Definitions Regarding The Residence Permits Procedures Of The Foreigners:
1- Residence Permit for Work:
In accordance with the 2nd Paragraph of the Article 3 of the Foreigners Law No.5683, foreigners who have come to Turkey in order to work should be issued residence permit in any case before working and within a month following their arrival.

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Foreigners who have come to Turkey in order to work and obtained work visa abroad, should be issued residence permit at the latest within 30 days following their arrival and before working.

2- Interruption in the Residence:
Residence permit owner foreigners who exits Turkey and do not renew his/her residence permit within 6 months without any reason, or, who do not renew his/her residence permit within 6 months although s/he is in Turkey, become illegal.

3- Application Period for the Residence Permit:
Foreigners who come to Turkey for various purposes with short-term or long-term visas, with visa exemption, sticker visas, etc. should be issued residence permits in accordance with the Article 3 of the Foreigners Law No. 5683.

For instance, a German citizen who come to Turkey with a long term visa granting a one-year residence permit should be issued residence permit from the TNP units at the end of three months.

A Jordanian citizen coming to Turkey with the same kind of visa should be issued residence permit from the TNP units at the end of a month (The foreigners may be issued residence permits as of their entry dates if they demand).

A foreigner who comes to Turkey with a three months’ visa exemption should be issued residence permit from the TNP units at the end of three months.

Ones, who come with visa exemption less than three months or with other kind of visas, should be issued residence permit from the TNP units at the expiry date of their visas.

Ones, who have residence permits, should be issued residence permit from the TNP units within 15 days following the expiration of their residence permits.

On the other hand, the foreigners who will work in Turkey should be issued residence permit from the TNP units before they start to work.

Foreigners should be issued residence permit from the TNP units at the latest at the expiry dates of their visas. Meanwhile, foreigners who come to Turkey by taking their long term visas from Turkish Missions abroad for various purposes such as work, education, research, long-term stay, etc., may be issued residence permits starting from their entry dates into Turkey in case they demand.

However, in the residence permits issued to the foreigners who have come with sticker visas or with visa exemption, the expiry date of the mentioned visas shall also be the starting date of the resident permit.

Foreigners who have come with the mentioned long-term visas but do not apply for residence permit in the valid period, shall be obliged to pay double the amount of residence permit fee during their exits from the country in accordance with the Act of Fees No.492:
a- The ones to get the residence permit for the first time: Foreigners included in this category should apply to Foreigners Section of the Provinces’ Police Headquarters of the city they want live in within the visa or exemption period.

b- Foreigners to renew/extend their residence permits
: Foreigners included in this category have the right to extend their residence permit within 15 days following the expiration of their permits. For this reason, foreigners who exit from the country within 15 days following the expiry dates of their permits do not pay fine. Therefore, in order to avoid paying fee, they should apply in time to Foreigners Section of the Provinces’ Police Headquarters of the province where they have residence permit.

4- The Extension/Renewal of the Residence Permits
a- Foreigners who want to renew or extend their residence permits in Turkey, shall be obliged to apply to Foreigners Section of the Provinces’ Police Headquarters (first step application center) in person or through someone else within 15 days following the expiration of residence permits.
b- Residence permits can be renewed four times at most.
c- Even in the case of changes (address, work, status, marital status and transfer to another province, etc.) the renewal should be made on the same residence permit document.

The Period Of The Residence Permits And Extension:
The validity period of the residence permits is 5 years. In accordance with the reciprocity principle, this period may be shortened or extended by Ministry of Interior (MoI) in consultation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Residence permits can be renewed four times at most. Extension is done on the same residence permit document regardless of its purpose unless it has not been extended four times.

5- Loss of the Residence Permits:
Foreigners who lose their residence permits are obliged to obtain the new ones. These people are given new residence permits which have exactly the same validity period of the lost ones. The new ones cost half price of the lost ones in accordance with the Act of Fees No. 492.

6- The Residence Permits of the Ones Who Leave Turkey:
The residence permits (even the expired ones) of the ones who leave Turkey will not be taken back from the foreigner.

7- Interruption in the Residence:
For foreigners who suspend their residences unexcused for more than 6 months, their previous residence permits shall not be calculated. These people shall be treated as foreigners applying for the first time.

However, the interruptions in the residence sourcing from force majeure such as education, medical treatment, military service, etc. shall not be considered as a break even if the interruption lasts for more than 6 months. These people are requested to submit documents proving their excuses (medical report, document regarding their education or military service, etc.)

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