Dual Nationality Argentina : Ministry of Interior

Organization : Ministry of Interior
Type of Facility : Dual Nationality
Country: Argentina

Website : http://www.migraciones.gov.ar/

Dual Nationality:

I- Argentines Who Do Not Live In The Argentina Republic (Exhibit Regulation 2.742/2009):
A) Argentines naturalized in countries with which the Argentina Republic has signed Agreement on Dual Nationality and bear travel document of the acquired nationality.

Related : Ministry of Interior Procedures for Enter & Exit of Minors Argentina : www.statusin.org/9637.html

1– Entry:
a) They will be considered foreigners and their admission to the country will be qualified as such, in accordance with regular rules apply by the acquired nationality.

b) If you state your intention to come to reside permanently in the country, you will be taken by that fact as ARGENTINE. In this case, the appropriate documentation to submit will be sealed, and under the seal will be in written form the legend “ARGENTINE AT YOUR REQUEST.”

2- Exit:
a) The Argentines naturalized in the countries mentioned above, will exit as any foreigner, and must carry and show the competent documents for this purpose.

b) The Argentines who have exercised the option mentioned in paragraph
a) 1.b. will have to obtain the argentine travel document to exit the National Territory.

3- Request of migration regularization being in the territory of the Argentina Republic:
a) Exit authorization, extension of stay, employment authorization, and other migration regularization requests will be considered and granted as any foreigner.

b) In the case of requesting a “Temporary Residence”, it could not exceed of the two (2) years, and shall not be considered others request for “Permanent Residence”.

In the latter cases, the concerned will be notified that the transfer of his domicile to Argentina Republic with the intention of residing in it permanently involves the automatic acceptance of Argentine Citizenship.

4- Application of admission to the Republic, being abroad:
a) Requests for admission as “Transitional Residents”, that because of the migratory subcategory or acquired nationality need Argentine visa, will be granted subject to compliance with applicable regulatory requirements.

b) Requests for admission as “Temporary Residents” after fulfilling the regulatory requirements in force will be granted a stay not exceeding the two (2) years.

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c) Requests for admission as “Permanent Residents” are not considered, notifying to the present person that the transfer of his domicile to the Republic Argentina with the intention of residing in it permanently involves the automatic acceptance of Argentine Citizenship.

B) Argentines naturalized in countries with which the Argentina Republic has NOT signed Agreement on Dual Nationality. They will be considered, for all purposes as Argentines:
1– Entry:
In the case of only submitting authorized travel document of the acquired nationality it will be inspected or will be issued the relevant card, printing the entry stamp with the legend “ARGENTINE – 180 DAYS” in handwritten under the label.

In the case, it does not appear the Argentine status on the foreign documentation and the entrant invokes it, you must prove that point by submitting Argentine National Identity Card.

2- Exit:
To leave the country you should do it with the relevant Argentine documentation, except that the staying in the country has not exceeded the time limit of ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY (180) consecutive days, a circumstance which allowed you to leave with the travel document of the acquired nationality, which you had used to enter the country.

II- Argentines Living In The Argentina Republic:
A) Argentines naturalized in countries with which the Argentina Republic has signed Agreement on Dual Nationality.

1 – Egreso:
The Argentines naturalized in the above mentioned countries, may leave the country by bearing and submitting the documentation able for traveling of the nationality acquired for this purpose. They must accompany, inevitably, Argentine National Identity Card (National Identity Card, Enrollment Book, Civic Book or Identity Card issued by the Argentina Federal Police).

The documentation able for traveling or the relevant card, if any, will be inspected and sealed, and under the seal will be the “ARGENTINE” legend, and in written form the type and number of the document use for leaving.

2 – Reentry:
Upon reentry to the Argentina Republic, you shall submit the Argentine documentation able for travelling.

If you only submit documentation able for travelling of the nationality acquired, which attests your Argentinian status, it may be inspected and be sealed with the entry stamp with the “ARGENTINE” legend, without specifying time of limit.

If in the foreign documentation it is not stated the Argentinian nationality and the person entering invokes it, the person must prove that condition by submitting Argentine National Identity Card (National Identity Card, Civic Book or Identity Card issued by the Argentina Federal Police), to be recognized as such, unless this document of travelling has been inspected and sealed with the “ARGENTINE” legend and the type and number of document at the time of his departure.

B) Argentines naturalized in countries with which the Argentina Republic has NOT signed Agreement on Dual Nationality:
1 – Exit:
The Argentines naturalized in the above mentioned countries, in order to leave the country should submit the Argentine documentation able for traveling and in force.

2 – Reentry:
a) Upon reentry to the Argentina Republic, you shall submit the Argentine documentation able for travelling. If you only submit the passport of the nationality acquired, able for traveling and in force, which attests your ARGENTINIAN status, it may be inspected and be sealed with the ENTRY stamp with the “ARGENTINE” legend in written form below it, without specifying time of limit. If in the foreign documentation it is not stated the Argentinian status and the person entering invokes it, the person must prove that condition by submitting Argentine National Identity Card (National Identity Card, Civic Book or Identity Card issued by the Argentina Federal Police). This does not enable the document inspected to exit the country, for this purpose you must submit Argentine document able for travelling and in force. The officer must give notice of this situation to the holder of the document, at the time of admission.

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