Permanent Residence Permit Slovenia : Ministry of Interior MNZ

Organization : Ministry of Interior
Type of Facility : Permanent Residence Permit
Country: Slovenia

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MNZ Permanent Residence Permit

The conditions for obtaining a permanent residence permit are as follows:
Ffive years of continuous legal stay in the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of a temporary residence permit or a certificate attesting to the submission of an application for an extension or the issue of a renewed temporary residence permit and that the conditions that apply for the first residence permit have been fulfilled.

Related : MNZ Ministry of Interior Citizenship & Naturalisation Slovenia :

The application for a permanent residence permit shall be submitted by yourself or by your legal representative or assignee at the administrative unit in the area of your residence. While your application is being processed, you are required to reside in the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of a temporary residence permit.

The condition of five years of continuous legal stay is also fulfilled if, during this period, you were not in the Republic of Slovenia and were not issued a temporary residence permit or a certificate attesting to the submission of an application for the extension or renewal of a temporary residence permit, if your absences were shorter than six consecutive months and, if combined, they do not exceed ten months in a five-year period.

The duration of your stay on the basis of a long-stay visa is considered part of the period of the issue of a permanent residence permit if you applied for a temporary residence permit before the expiry of your visa and you were issued a residence permit as a holder of a long-stay visa.

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Only half of the duration of your stay on the basis of a temporary residence permit for education and vocational training purposes is considered part of the period of the issue of a permanent residence permit.

Time spent in the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of a temporary residence permit for the purposes of seasonal work, as a posted worker or a daily commuter or as a person under temporary protection is, however, not considered part of the period of the issue of a permanent residence permit.

If you are a holder of an EU Blue Card, any eventual periods of your stay in other EU member states on the basis of this shall be included in the five-year period. A permanent residence permit is also issued to a holder of an EU Blue Card if he/she has been residing in the territory of the EU continuously and legally for five years as a holder of an EU Blue Card, of which the last two years have been spent continuously in the Republic of Slovenia before applying for the issue of a permanent residence permit.

If you have a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Slovenia or refugee status, your family members may be issued a permanent residence permit after two years of continuous legal stay in the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of a temporary residence permit or a certificate attesting to the submission of an application for an extension or renewal of a temporary residence permit.

When other legal conditions are fulfilled, a permanent residence permit may be issued before the expiry of a five-year period to the following:
** an alien of Slovenian origin;
** an alien whose residence in the Republic of Slovenia is in the interest of the Republic of Slovenia;
** an alien who used to have a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Slovenia but it expired due to expatriation or absence from the Republic of Slovenia or from any other EU member state;
** an alien who used to have a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Slovenia but it expired due to the acquisition of a long-term resident status in another EU member state.

Subsequent acquisition of long-term resident status:
An alien who has obtained a permanent residence permit before the fulfilment of the condition of five-years of continuous legal stay in the Republic of Slovenia or on the basis of the act regulating the status of citizens of other successor states of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) in the Republic of Slovenia or on the basis of the act regulating temporary asylum is permitted to obtain long-term resident status provided that the conditions stipulated by law are complied with. The condition for the subsequent acquisition of long-term resident status is that an alien continuously and legally stays in the Republic of Slovenia for five years. Legal stay in the Republic of Slovenia is considered stay on the basis of an application for an extension to a temporary residence permit or the application for the issue of a renewed temporary residence permit, on the basis of a temporary residence permit, or on the basis of a permanent residence permit. An alien is also obliged to fulfil other conditions for the issue of a permanent residence permit while no grounds for the refusal of the issue of a residence permit are also allowed to exist. The subsequently obtained long-term resident status is also marked on the alien’s newly issued permanent residence permit.

Aliens with residence permits issued in another EU member state:
** Long-term resident in another EU member state
** If you have long-term resident status in one EU member state while your immediate family members have a residence permit in another EU member state, you can, regardless of the purpose of your stay, enter the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of a passport and the stated permit and stay here for three months from the date of entry or until the expiry of the validity of a permit if the period of validity is shorter.
** If you wish to stay longer in the Republic of Slovenia, you are required to apply for the issue of a temporary residence permit for yourself and your family members at an administrative unit before the expiry of the allowed stay. You can also apply for the issue of a temporary residence permit for yourself and your immediate family members prior to your arrival to the Republic of Slovenia. In this case, you shall submit the applications at a diplomatic mission or consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in the EU member state where you have long-term resident status.
** A researcher, a college/university teacher and a college/university associate who has a residence permit for a researcher, a college/university teacher or a college/university associate in another EU member state
** If you have concluded a hosting agreement in another EU member state and possess a residence permit for a researcher, a college/university teacher or a college/university associate and wish to stay in the Republic of Slovenia for a certain amount of time of up to three months for the purposes of performing certain activities from the stated agreement, you may enter the Republic of Slovenia and stay there for three months on the basis of a permit issued in another EU member state or until the expiry of such permit if its period of validity is shorter.
** If you wish to perform research or educational work in the Republic of Slovenia for a period exceeding three months, you are required to obtain a residence permit for a researcher, a college/university teacher or a college/university associate in order to stay in the Republic of Slovenia.
** You (or a research organisation or a higher education institution) may submit an application for the issue of the first temporary residence permit at a diplomatic mission or consulate of the Republic of Slovenia abroad or at an administrative unit in the Republic of Slovenia within three months of arriving to the Republic of Slovenia or before the expiry of a residence permit issued in another EU member state if its period of validity is shorter. An administrative unit shall issue a certificate attesting to a timely submitted application, which is valid as a temporary residence permit until a final decision is reached on the application. If the application for the issue of a first temporary residence permit is submitted at an administrative unit, you shall be served the permit in person at the administrative unit that issued the permit.
** Holder of an EU Blue Card issued in another EU member state
** If you are a holder of a valid EU Blue Card issued in another EU member state, you may stay in the Republic of Slovenia without a residence permit for a period of one month from the date of entering the country.
** If you wish to stay in the Republic of Slovenia for longer than one month, either you or your employer may apply for the issue of an EU Blue Card at the administrative unit in the area of your residence prior to the expiry of the permitted stay. You or your employer may apply for the issue of the EU Blue Card also before the arrival to the Republic of Slovenia at a diplomatic mission or consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in the EU member state where you already have the EU Blue Card, while your employer may also apply at an administrative unit in the Republic of Slovenia. If your application is submitted at a diplomatic mission or consulate of the Republic of Slovenia abroad, you may enter the Republic of Slovenia before a decision is reached on your application, which you are obliged to report after arriving at the administrative unit responsible for deciding on the application. An administrative unit or a diplomatic mission or consulate of the Republic of Slovenia abroad shall issue a certificate of the submitted application which is valid as a temporary residence permit until a final decision is reached on the application.
** An alien who has a temporary residence permit for the purpose of studying in another EU member state
** If you were issued a temporary residence permit for the purpose of studying in another EU member state, you may stay in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia for three months from the date of entry into the country or until the expiry of the validity of the permit if this is shorter.
** If you wish to stay longer in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, you are required to apply for a temporary residence permit for the purpose of studying in the Republic of Slovenia at your local administrative unit before the expiry of your permitted stay.

Additional Information:
Internal Administrative Affairs, Migration and Naturalisation Directorate
Migration Office
Status Affairs Division
T: +386 1 428 43 02

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