P1 Registration Kenya : Recruitment For Primary Teachers Colleges Pre-Service Training

Organization : Ministry of Education
Type of Facility : P1 Registration
Country : Kenya
Website :

Kenya Education P1 Registration

Recruitment For Primary Teachers Colleges Pre-Service Training For The Year 2015:
P1 Registration year 2015 is currently on-going. Qualified candidates are required to download the Registration Form A , fill and return it to their respective education Zones by Tuesday 21st May, 2015

Related : Ministry of Education Results Online System Kenya :

This form should be filled by the candidate in the presence of the officer-in-charge

1. Expectant mothers should not apply

2. Certified copies of the following documents must be attached to this form:-
(i) One copy of KCSE Certificate/Result slip.
(ii) Two recent Passport size Photographs.
(iii) One copy of Identity Card (both sides).
(iv) A copy of Co-Curricular activity certificate obtained (if any).
(v) One copy of leaving Certificate.

3. Candidates who register in more than one zone shall automatically be disqualified.

4. It is an offence to give false information

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Assessment Form B:
DEOs are required to download the assessment forms for assessing the applicants Assessment Form B

Quality Of Certificate

Candidates will be awarded marks based on the grade obtained in KCSE in 5 subjects following the 12 points scale. The subjects are:- English, Mathematics, Kiswahili, best science subject and any other 1 best subject. Maximum points for this part will be 60.

Maximum marks for this part will be 12.

Co-Curricular Activities

A maximum of 8 marks will only be awarded for not more than one Co-Curricular activity such as football music, debate, drama, scouting/girl guide, 4K club, etc., at the highest level (National). Marks will be awarded on meritorious performance (evidence of such certificate, testimonial letters, etc must be shown) and only for the highest level at which the activity is performed.

For example, if one has proof that one has a meritorious performance at School, Zonal, Division and District levels, he/she will only be awarded marks for the highest and not for all three levels. Maximum marks for this section will be 8.

Kenya Primary Education Development Project
The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) has approved a grant of USD 88.4 million to the Ministry of Education Science and Technology for the Kenya Primary Education Development project.

The project covers the following four components: Component 1 : Improving early grade mathematics competencies Component II: Strengthening Primary school management systems Component III: Evidence based policy development Component IV: Project management. The project is expected to run from year 2015 – 2018. The World Bank is the Supervising Entity.

Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangi flags off distribution of Primary School textbooks

Education Cabinet Education Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangi with (left-right) Principal Secretary Belio Kipsang,Senior Assistant Director of Education and National Project Coordinator for priede project Martha Ekirapa , Deputy Project Coordinator In charge of Early Grade Mathematics Ateng Ogwel and Director General Education Leah Rotich peruses Mathematics textbooks that are to be distributed across the country to over 21 400 primary schools today 14th April 2016 at Industrial area Embakasi, Nairobi.

Categories: Kenya

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