Department Of Immigration : Apply For Passport Malawi

Organization : Department of Immigration
Type of Facility : Apply For Passport
Country: Malawi

Website :

Apply For Passport :

A passport or travel document can only be issued to an applicant who has convinced an Immigration Officer at the counter that he/she is a bonafide citizen of Malawi and that he/she has produced proof of identity as required.

Related : Department of Immigration Apply For Citizenship Malawi :

How To Get An Application Form:
Passport application forms can be obtained from any Immigration office free of charge. They may also be downloaded from this website. You are also advised not to photocopy the passport application form for it has a unique barcode number.

For those that are resident outside Malawi, passport application forms can also be obtained from the nearest Malawi foreign missions.

The Immigration Department is strongly advising all passport applicants not to make travel arrangements before their passport is ready and instead they are encouraged to apply at least 20 days before travelling.

Female applicants who wish to be issued with a passport:
Passports will be issued to married women showing their husbands’ names upon production of a marriage Certificate and in case of reverting to their original maiden names as a result of husband’s death or divorce, death or divorce certificates must be produced to facilitate the change.

How to fill in your Application form:
You are advised to do the following;
** Use a black ball point pen to fill in your application form. Do not use a felt tip, fountain pen or fibre-tip pen or pencil.
** Complete the form in CAPITAL LETTERS.
** Write only within the white boxed areas.
** Leave other areas of the form blank(do not strike through or otherwise mark them)
** Attach photo copies/originals according to the requirement (please refer to the checklist).

Note :
** For names, the maximum number of characters (letters) should not exceed twenty one.
** If you make minor mistakes, black them out with a pen. Do not use correction fluid such as whitener / tippex. Do not overwrite and no corrections are allowed especially in part B.

Passport Process
After collection and filling in the application form, the applicant should
** Have part B commissioned by a Magistrate or a Commissioner for Oaths.
** Report to the District Commissioner’s Office where he/she comes from to confirm the place of origin on part C.
** Present himself or herself at one of the following Immigration Offices ; Blantyre, Lilongwe and Mzuzu depending on where the applicant is residing for easy follow up and be subjected to thorough interviews by the Immigration Officer at the counter.

The applicant will also have his/her biometrics (picture, fingerprints and signature) captured live and finally pay for the passport at the Malawi Savings Bank located within the Immigration Offices.

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Types of Passport:
1. Ordinary Passport:
Any eligible Malawian is entitled to this Passport which is valid for 10 Years.

Documents And Information Which May Be Required:
All information in the application is subject to verification and, if no proof has been submitted upon application, any other document may be requested in order to substantiate any statement made in the application.

New Passport Application:
** Two filled passport forms together with two passport size photographs.
** Documents that prove your identity, e.g. Birth Certificate, Academic Certificate or Voter’s Registration Certificate or Official Letter from the employer.

Lost Passport:
** One filled passport form and a passport size photograph.
** Police Report and Report of Lost form.

Renewal Passport:
** One filled passport form and two passport size photographs.
** The previous passport.

Child Passport:
** A child passport is valid for 5 years and is issued to children under the age of 10 years.

Documents And Information Which May Be Required:
** Two filled passport forms together with two passport size photographs.
** Form of consent from either parent or legal guardian.
** Photocopy of either of the parents’ passport and or with Birth Certificate.
** Photocopy of birth certificate for children born outside Malawi.

2. Temporary Passport:
This Passport is valid for six months
** Two filled passport forms together with two passport size photographs.
** Documents that prove your identity, e.g. Birth Certificate, Academic Certificate, Voter’s Registration Certificate, Official Letter from the employer.

Note: The procedures for Temporary Passport is the same as that of Ordinary Passport

3. Service Passport:
Senior Government Officials from Grade H are entitled to this passport.

Documents And Information Which May Be Required:
As per the requirement for Ordinary Passport but in addition to that, a letter from the Ministry responsible must be provided that certifies the grade of the applicant.

4. Diplomatic Passport:
Diplomatic Passport is valid for 10 Years except for Members of Parliament which is valid for 5 years and the following are entitled to this passport:
** The President of the Republic of Malawi.
** Diplomats and their spouses
** The First Lady
** Principal Secretaries
** The Vice President of the Republic of Malawi and the spouse
** The Army Commander
** Former President of the Republic of Malawi and Spouse
** The Inspector General of Police
** Former Vice President of the Republic of Malawi and the spouse
** High Court / Supreme Court judges and their spouses
** Chief Secretary to the Government;
** Director General, National Intelligence Service
** Deputy Chief Secretary
** The Chief Commissioner of Prisons
** Former Chief Secretary to the Government;
** The Chief Immigration Officer
** Cabinet Ministers and their spouses
** The Ombudsman
** The speaker of the National Assembly and Spouse
** The Law Commissioner
** Members of Parliament
** Leaders of Religious and faith organisations
** The Clerk of Parliament
** Any other person the President may direct. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map