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Acquisition of Greek Citizenship ERMIS Greece : Ministry of Interior

Name of the Organization : Ministry Of Interior, Decentralization & E- Government
Type of Facility : Acquisition of Greek Citizenship
Country : Greece

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Acquisition of Greek Citizenship

Required supporting documents for the acquisition of Greek citizenship.

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Related : Ministry of Finance Issuing of Certificate on Non Insurance at IKA Greece :

General Documents:
** Application for the acquisition of Greek citizenship
** Birth certificate or, in case of non existence of the same, christening certificate
** If the foreigner is immigrant and fails to present a birth certificate, he can present the decision of political asylum granted to him.
** Copy of passport or other travel document
** Naturalization Statement
** This statement is made before the Mayor or the President of the Community in presence of two Greek citizens as witnesses.

** Residence permit or other documentation of legal residence in the country
** Revenue stamp, as this is defined by the applying legislation
** Greeks living abroad are not obliged to pay duty stamp.
** Tax clearance note or copy of income taxation statement of the last financial year

Required Service: Issue of passport

Required Service:
Income taxation statement (Form 1) or Income taxation statement of a Limited Liability Company, Public limited company, civil, invisible or participative companies, civil law societies and joint ventures (Form 5) or Issuing a natural person income tax clearance note by KEP

Determination of citizenship and translation of names and surnames (married) :
Required supporting documents for the determination of nationality and the translation of names / surnames (married parties).

General Documents:
** Application for the determination of citizenship and translation of names and surnames (married)
** Birth certificates for the members of family (officially translated in Greek)
** Marriage certificates of the parents (officially translated in Greek)
** Marriage certificates of the same (officially translated in Greek)
** Passport copy
Required Service: Issue of passport

Determination of citizenship and translation of names and surnames (married) :
Competent Entity: Civil And Political Rights Directions [Municipalities And Communities]
Involved Entities: Municipal Rolls [Municipalities And Communities], Metropolis
Processing Time: Ten days
Cost: Zero
Description :
** Required supporting documents for the determination of nationality and the translation of names / surnames (married parties).

General Documents :
** Application for the determination of citizenship and translation of names and surnames (married)
** Birth certificates for the members of family (officially translated in Greek)
** Marriage certificates of the parents (officially translated in Greek)
** Marriage certificates of the same (officially translated in Greek)
** Passport copy
** Issue of passport

Electronic Services electronically processed in full by HERMES :
Here submit electronic requests for services in Public Administration directly by receiving the outcome (certificate, certification, etc.) in your mailbox. Please note that this document you can print and use in your dealings with the public administration, in accordance with article 13 of l. 4325/2015 (GG 47 /A/11.05.2015).

The electronic documents in that category have at the bottom a unique “Verification Code” to be verified by any recipient through the document validity verification mechanism provided by the Portal “HERMES».

To the electronic submission of the request and the immediate adoption of the outcome, necessarily be preceded by your connection to portal “Hermes».

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