Long Stay Visas Applying At Same Time As Short Stay Visas : ERMIS Greece
Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Type of Facility : Long Stay Visas Applying At Same Time As Short Stay Visas
Country: Greece
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Website : ermis.gov.gr
Long Stay Visas Applying At Same Time As Short Stay Visas :
In order to serve certain categories of applicants, who by the nature of their capacity or engagement are judged to generally meet the conditions of Article 5 § 1 of the Convention for the Performance of the Schengen Agreement and who need after their entry in our country to transfer directly and unhindered in the unified area of Schengen,
Related : ERMIS Greece Issuing of Certificate of Permanent Residence : www.statusin.org/10464.html
It is possible, in the judgement of competent Authorities, since the person applying for the national visa comes under the specified categories, to be supplied with a long stay visa applying at the same time as short stay visa (Visa type D+C).
Under current community law, third-country nationals who have been issued a national long-stay visa (Type D) by a member state that fully applies the Schengen acquis, and are under an obligation to hold a short-stay visa, depending on their nationality, may be allowed once to transit through the territory of another member state in order to reach the country that has granted them the long-stay visa. This (type D) visa does not authorise its holder to cross the external borders or move freely within the Schengen area until they are granted a residence permit.
However, on the basis of relevant community legislation,[5] and in order to help certain types of applicants who by the very nature of their capacity and employment are considered to fulfil the conditions of Article 5 (1) indents a, c, d, and e, of the Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement to a great extent, and who need, following their entry to our country to move freely and without any obstacles into the single Schengen area, it is possible, as determined by the competent authorities, for the person who applies for a national visa, if they fall within certain categories, to be issued a long-stay visa that is concurrently valid as a short-stay visa (Visas type D+C).
[1] Short stay means entry and stay of a foreigner in the Schengen area for a period from 1 to 90 days, within a 6-month period (180 days), starting with the date of first entry into the Schengen area
[2] With the exception of residence permits issued by the Ministry of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation (business executives, members of foreign archaeological schools, persons promoting investment activities, humanitarian missions, and victims of trafficking). The applications for the abovementioned case are submitted to the Ministrys competent Department of Foreigners and Immigration Issues.
[3] Council Regulation (EC) 1030/2002 of 13 June 2002 laying down a uniform format for residence permits for third-country nationals (OJ L 157 of 15/06/02, p. 1-7, article 1, para. 2, indent a).
[4] Pursuant to Article 3 of Council Regulation (EC) of 15/3/2001, without prejudice to obligations under the European Agreement on the Abolition of Visas for Refugees, signed at Strasbourg on 20 April 1959, recognised refugees and stateless persons:
** shall be subject to the visa requirement if the third country where they reside and which issued their travel document is one of the third countries listed in Annex I,
** or may be exempted from the visa requirement if the third country where they reside and which issued their travel document is one of the third countries listed in Annex II.
[5] In application of the provisions of article 18 of the Schengen Agreement as was modified by the Regulation (??) No. 1091/2001 of the Council, dated as of May 28, 2001, pertaining to the free circulation of persons with visa for long stay [1][1] (Official Newspaper of the EU No. L 150 of 06/06/2001 p. 0004 – 0005) there is a possibility of granting a long stay visa that will apply at the same time as single short stay visa ((Visa VDC)).