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Issuing of Health Certificates For Employments & Teaching Licenses : ERMIS Greece

Organization : Health & Public Sanitation Department
Type of Facility : Issuing of Health Certificates For Employments & Teaching Licenses
Country: Greece

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Website : ermis [dot] gov [dot] gr

Health Certificates For Employments & Teaching Licenses :

Required supporting documents for the issuing of health certificates for any legal use (employments, teaching licenses etc.)

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Related : ERMIS Greece Establishment of Secondary/Higher Education Licence :

General Documents:
** 2 recent photos
** Application for the issuing of health certificates for any legal use (employments, teaching licenses etc.)
** Chest x-ray accompanied by medical opinion from a State Hospital or IKA validated by the Administrative Director.
** Reg. Number

Citizens visit the Health and Public Sanitation Department of the respective Prefecture Local Government to apply for the issuing of health certificates for any legal use (employments, teaching licenses etc.).

Step 1:
The Competent Employee of Health and Public Sanitation Department of the respective Prefecture Local Government provides the citizen with an application to fill.

Step 2:
The Citizen fills in the Application and hands it to the Competent Employee of Health and Public Sanitation Department of the respective Prefecture Local Government together with the required supporting documents.

Step 3:
Citizens are invited for examination by the First Degree Committee which approves or not health certificates for every legal use (appointments, teaching licenses etc).

Citizens visit the Health and Public Sanitation Department of the respective Prefecture Local Government and receive the health certificates for any legal use (employments, teaching licenses etc.).

Notes and Clarifications:
It is up to the committee to ask fro specialized exams.

Health certificate for foreigners outside the EU for issuing a residence permit in Greece
Cost: Zero
Description :
** Required documentation on issuing health certificates for residence permit in Greece of foreigners, who come from countries outside the European Union (E.U.).

General Documents :
** 2 Photos
** Application for issuing health certificates for foreigners outside the EU for issuing a residence permit in Greece
** Chest x-ray
** Specific Documents
** Blood test for VDRL, WASSERMAN, HVI, Hepatitis B and C
** For women working at bars.
** Medical certificate issued by special pathologist, pneumonologist or General Doctor (if required by the Doctor granting the attestation)

Certificate of non deportation of a foreigner who has submitted an application for naturalization
Involved Entities: Labor Directorates [Prefectural Governments]
Cost: Zero
Description :
** Required supporting documents for issuing a certificate of non deportation of a foreigner who has submitted an application for naturalization.

General Documents :
** Application for issuing a certificate of non deportation of a foreigner who has submitted an application for naturalization
** Valid residence permit
** Alternatively an foreigner`s identity card is produced or the certificate of permanent and valid residence.

Special travelling document (TDV) for refugees – stateless persons
Involved Entities: Agricultural Insurances Organization (Oga)
Cost: From 5.28 € up to 21.13 €, depending on the case
Description :
** Required supporting documents for issuing a special travelling document (TDV) for refugees – stateless persons (Geneva Convention 1951).

General Documents :
** 2 recent photos
** Application for issuing a special travelling document (TDV) for refugees – stateless persons
** Specific Documents
** Written consent of the parents or the guardian of a minor below 18 years of age

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