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Organization : Ministry of the Interior
Service Name : Registration of Childbirth & Choosing a Name
Country: Estonia

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Registration of Childbirth & Choosing a Name:

The child’s birth is registered on the basis of application by the parent at the Vital Statistics Office within the first month of the child’s life.

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Birth is registered by the Vital Statistics Office branches:
** in a county seat by the county government;
** in a local government by the municipality or city government;
** in Tallinn by the Harju County Government or the Tallinn Vital Statistics Office.

The following is submitted to register a birth:
** application for registering childbirth;
** medical agency’s certificate regarding the childbirth;
** identity documents certifying the identity of parents;
** marriage document if it has not been entered into a register (if the birth is registered by one of the parents, it must be accompanied by an application by the other parent regarding the desired name of the child);
** application for accepting paternity submitted in person or in notarized form.

The following information is entered onto the report of a birth:
** as the mother – the woman who gave birth to the child;
** as the father – a male who is
** married to the mother of the child;
** who has accepted paternity;
** whose paternity has been established by a court.

Birth registry entry and birth certificate
To register a birth, the official prepares an entry in the birth register and issues, if desired, a birth certificate. No state fee is charged for the birth register entry. To register a birth abroad in the Population Register, documents that have been translated and legalized or certified by apostil must be submitted to the Vital Statistics Office. Children are not registered a second time at an Estonian Vital Statistics Office.

It is not needed to present the certificate of the birth for the State and Local Government Offices, because these offices can use the Population Registry to get the data. Birth certificate might be needed in case the institution does not have an access to the Population Registry.

Naming a child:
A given name shall be assigned to a child upon agreement between the parents or on the proposal of the single parent of the child. If the right of curatorship regarding a child belongs to only one of the parents, a given name shall be assigned to the child on the proposal of the parent. If there is no agreement or no proposal is made, a guardianship authority shall decide which given name is assigned to the child.

A given name may consist of not more than three names written as several words or two names linked by an hyphen. A name which contains numbers or non-alphabetical signs or which separately or together with the surname is in conflict with good morals or an unconventional given name which is not suitable to be used as a given name due to its complex spelling or pronunciation, or spelling or pronunciation which does not comply with the general language use, or due to its meaning in the general language; or does not correspond to the gender of the person shall not be assigned as a given name.

Exceptions can be made if, due to their citizenship, family relations, nationality or other circumstances, a child or the parents of a child have personal connection to the foreign-language name tradition and the name applied for complies therewith.

A child born alive shall be assigned the surname of the parents if the parents have a joint surname or the surname of one of the parents upon agreement between the parents having different surnames. If they fail to reach an agreement, a guardianship authority shall decide which surname is assigned to the child; the surname of the mother if paternal filiation is not established.

A surname consisting of two names assigned to a parent upon marriage shall not be assigned to a child as a family name. If the surname of both parents consists of two names assigned upon marriage, the surname of one of the parents shall be assigned to the child upon agreement between the parents. A surname and a given name shall be assigned to a foundling on the basis of an application of a guardianship authority.

With registering a birth the data about custody is added to the Population Registry. Married parents have a joint custody. At the same time, parental custody can be restricted to only one parent but only a court can rule on sole custody.

In such a case, the parent living away from the child has the right to take part in matters related to the upbringing of the child, but has no right to dispose of the child’s property. The parent that raises the child every day has the right to decide on everyday matters related to the child, while the parent without custody retains the right to interact with the child and the obligation to provide child support.

In the State Portal the service of application for registering the birth of a child can currently be used only if the child was born in the hospital there is an electronic birth certificate for the birth in the Population Registry. The service can be used only by parents who are married to each other.

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