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Social Insurance Board Estonia : Disability Card

Organization : Social Insurance Board
Service Name : Disability Card
Country: Estonia

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Disability Card :

The Social Insurance Board issues disability cards to:
** disabled children;
** disabled adults not holding a pension certificate.

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Related : Estonia Insurance Board Social Benefits For Disabled Persons :

The purpose of the disability card is to simplify certification of the degree of disability in connection with exercising the rights granted to the disabled and receiving various concessions. Further, the disability card facilitates the verification of entitlement to benefit.

Besides the disability card, the expert assessment report, the pension certificate or any additional certificate supporting the type of disability can still be used to certify the degree of disability or entitlement to travel fare concession.

The disability card is plastic, duochrome (orange and yellow), dimensions 54x86mm.

The following particulars are entered on the card:
** card number;
** person’s given name and surname;
** personal identification code;
** date of birth;
** degree of disability;
** card expiration date;
** issuer.

The card is valid together with an identity document as specified in § 2 and § 4 of the Identity Documents Act (incl. for example, a student card).

Please address the customer service of the Social Insurance Board, if you request the disability card to be issued for the first time.

The application can be submitted to the Social Insurance Board also on paper or in electronic form which is digitally signed.

The application form is available on the web site of the Social Insurance Board and at the Board’s customer service offices.

The application will be reviewed and the card will be issued within 15 calendar days from lodging a duly completed application. If the application is lodged together with a request for an expert assessment to determine the degree of disability, the card and the expert assessment report will be issued within 15 calendar days from drafting the report.

The card issued will have the same expiration date as the report certifying the degree of disability and the amount of additional expenses arising due to the disability.

The disability card is applied for only once. If the card expires, the disable person is issued a new card together with the expert assessment report upon repeated determination of the degree of disability. There is no need to submit a new application for receiving the card.

Benefits :
Study loan obliteration
** Since 01.07.2009 no new application on study loan obliteration are accepted.
** For persons who have a positive decision about study loan obliteration legal circumstances will not change and their study loan obliteration will be continued in the stated extend.

** For persons whose studies are finished after 01.07.2009 or whose child was born after 01.07.2009 no partial study loan obliteration right is expanded.

State funeral benefit :
** State funeral benefit (hereinafter funeral benefit) is a lump-sum benefit prescribed to cover the expenses of a funeral in the territory of Estonia which is paid upon the death registered in Estonia or outside of Estonia of a permanent resident of Estonia, an alien residing in Estonia on the basis of a temporary residence permit or a temporary right of residence, a person specified in § 130 of the Aliens Act or of a person specified in subsection 30 (3) of the Citizen of European Union Act.

Bodies entitled for state funeral benefit are :
1) organizer of funeral who is a natural person, if the family of the organiser was granted subsistence benefit at least once during the month of application for funeral benefit or during the twelve months prior to application and who is:
** a permanent resident of Estonia
** a person residing in Estonia on the basis of a temporary residence permit or temporary right of residence

** an alien who has applied for the extension of the residence permit or for a long-term resident’s residence permit during the period of validity of his or her residence permit
** a family member of a citizen of the European Union who has applied for a temporary extension of the residence permit

2) a rural municipality or city government
** Funeral expenses are expenses incurred for the transport, cremation or burial of the deceased and a funeral service.
** The sum of funeral benefit is 250 Euros.
** Funeral benefit shall be granted if an application for the funeral benefit is submitted within six months as of the date of death.

In order to apply for the funeral benefit, the organiser of a funeral shall submit an application to the Social Insurance Board to which the following shall be appended :
** an identity document;

** a certificate of death registered in an Estonian vital statistics institution or a document certifying the death of the person issued by a relevant authority of a foreign state if the death is registered outside Estonia;

** a document from the police authority or another competent agency certifying the time of becoming aware of the death of the person if the organiser of a funeral becomes aware, more than fifteen days after the date of death, of the death of a person who is not buried or cremated.

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