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Driving License Bulgaria : Ministry of Foreign Affairs MFA

Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Service Name : Driving License
Country: Bulgaria

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General Conditions:
Any Bulgarian citizen residing in a foreign country other than the EU Member States may file an application for renewal of his/her driving license with a diplomatic or consular mission.

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Related : MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs Identity Card Application Bulgaria :

At missions which have available the required technical capacity, the consular officer will, upon acceptance of the application, take digital images of applicant’s signature and face.

The following data are entered in the automated information system:
1. The personal data given in the application;
2. Information on the documents enclosed;
3. Applicant’s signature;
4. Applicant’s photograph.

Within 5 business days from submission of the application, the Sofia Directorate of the Ministry of Interior (SDMI) will reply to the mission as to whether a driving license can be issued.

In case the driving license cannot be issued due to discrepancies in the data filled in, the mission will, within 7 business days, notify the applicant that the discrepancies have to be removed.

In case the discrepancies are not removed in full within one month after such notification, the procedure on the driving license application will be terminated.

Requirements to photographs:
At missions which lack technical capacity to take digital images of signatures and faces, applicants have to submit their driving license applications enclosing a photograph.

Forwarding of driving license applications:
Missions can forward accepted driving license applications to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
1. through their own official channels or
2. via a courier company certified as a carrier of valuable shipments if the applicant has requested and paid for the “forwarding via a carrier company” service DHL.

Delivery of the document:
The driving license is issued by SDMI. The diplomatic or consular mission will, within 7 business days, notify the applicant that the document is issued. The document may be forwarded:
1.ex officio, via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or

2.via a courier company certified as a carrier of valuable shipments if the applicant has requested and paid for the “forwarding via a carrier company” service DHL.

European Emergency Travel Document :
The diplomatic and consular representations of the EU member states can issue an Emergency Travel Document to Bulgarian citizens who have lost or had their documents stolen when in the country of their temporary or permanent residence there is no Bulgarian or diplomatic representation.

An application is required for a temporary passport with a photo and documents which can prove the person’s identity and citizenship.

The validity term of the European Emergency Travel Document is determined on the basis of the minimum term necessary for the travel to be completed along the shortest route and the shortest period possible.

The Emergency Travel Document can be issued only if all the conditions below are met:
a) the holder must be a Bulgarian citizen whose passport or travel document has been lost, got stolen or destroyed or is temporarily absent,

b) he/she is in a country where the Republic of Bulgaria has no available diplomatic or consular representation which can issue a travel document or where the Republic of Bulgaria is not otherwise represented, and

c) a permit has been given by the competent authorities of the Republic of Bulgaria.

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