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bmbah Citizenship Verification Hungary : Office of Immigration & Nationality

Organization : Office of Immigration & Nationality
Service Name : Citizenship Verification
Country: Hungary

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Citizenship Verification :

The attestation of Hungarian citizenship – definitions:
Hungarian citizenship may be attested by means of:
** a valid Hungarian identity card,
** a valid Hungarian passport,

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** a valid citizenship certificate,
** a certificate of naturalisation – until proven otherwise.

If a Hungarian national cannot attest his/her Hungarian citizenship by means of the above documents, the Hungarian citizenship can also be attested by a Hungarian passport void due to the expiry of the period of validity – until proven otherwise – during a one year period after the expiry.

The register of personal data and addresses confirms the Hungarian citizenship of Hungarian citizens on file therein.

Verification of citizenship ex officio:
By virtue of Act LV of 1993 on Hungarian citizenship, Section 12, the Hungarian and foreign authorities may verify a person’s Hungarian citizenship status ex officio, if it is necessary in a case processed by them.

This may occur in such cases as the pre-marital registration procedure, national registration, submission of application for passport and in alien policing procedures.

However, the person’s cooperation is required in the above cases as well, for provision of data required for the verification of citizenship and for presentation of documents.

The required data and documents:
The request must contain the person’s family and first name, married family and first name, previous family and first name, date and place of birth, mother’s name, and gender.

Additional data required for verification of Hungarian citizenship are in particular, the names, the date and place of birth, the date and place of marriage of the ancestors, the date when they left Hungary, the date and legal grounds for acquisition of foreign citizenship and the data of their former place of residence. If available, documents necessary for establishing the citizenship shall be provided as well.

The registry certificates regarding the relevant Hungarian registration events of the person and his/her ancestors shall be obtained ex officio.

Any foreign registration events must be proven by the client. Any foreign documents shall in advance be furnished with diplomatic or consular legalisation or so-called Apostille, unless exempted by virtue of an international convention.

Any foreign language registry certificate must be accompanied by a certified Hungarian translation. Certified translations are prepared exclusively by the National Office for Translation and Attestation and the Hungarian consuls.

We hereby inform you that citizenship, native registry and change of name matters previously assigned to the Office of Immigration and Nationality are transferred to the Prime Minister’s Office and to the Government Office of the Capital City Budapest as of 1 January 2017. From this date our new name is Immigration and Asylum Office.

From 1 January 2017, the Department of Citizenship and Native registry of the Government Office of the Capital City Budapest is responsible for citizenship matters and for change of name procedures and acts as a registration authority for applications for gender or forename changes.

Contacts of the Department of Citizenship and Native registry of the Government Office of the Capital City Budapest :
Phone: +36 1 550 1221
Address: 1364 Budapest, Pf. 234.
E-mail: apf AT

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