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All posts from Request For Payment Of Outstanding Tax In Installments : Thailand Transport

Organization : Thailand Transport
Service Name : Request For Payment Of Outstanding Tax In Installments
Country: Thailand

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Request for payment of outstanding tax in installments:

To file application for payment of outstanding tax in installments

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Related : Thailand Transport New Car Registration :

Steps :
1. Applicant
2. Receive request/review supporting evidences, compute annual tax amount
3. Collect annual tax, issue receipt
4. Record data in the outstanding annual tax payment request, car tax payment card and list of outstanding car tax
5. Case discharged

Evidences Required:
1. Car registration manual (if any)
2. Car owner’s personal evidences, i.e. photocopy of ID card and copy or photocopy of census registration or certificate of juristic person registration

Execution Time :
30 minutes

Request for car registration plate in case of loss,destruction or damaged :
To file application for car registration plate in case of loss, destruction, damaged or materially defaced together with evidences at the transportation office where the car is registered

Steps :
1. Applicant
2. Receive request/review evidences/collect fee/issue receipt/record data in car registration manual and original registration/registrar to sign/issue car registration manual and receipt
3. Car registration plate unit to prepare plate order data
4. Produce car registration plate
5. Car registration plate unit to deliver the plate to the administration
6. Issue car registration plate

Evidences required :
1. Car registration manual
2. Car owner’s personal evidences, i.e. photocopy of ID card and copy or photocopy of census registration or certificate of juristic person registration.

Execution time :
3½ Days

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