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Nationality Application Macao/Macau : Identification Services Bureau

Organization : The Identification Services Bureau
Service Name : Nationality Application
City: Macao/Macau
Country : China

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Application for Naturalization:

1. Requirement:
Foreign nationals or stateless persons who are permanent residents of the Macao SAR may apply.

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Related : Identification Services Bureau Macao/Macau SAR Travel Permit :

2. Procedure of Application:
Duly completed the application form.

If the applicant is residing in the Macao SAR, he/she can make the application in person; if the applicant is living abroad, the application can be made by post;

The application may also include the applicant’s spouse and minor children. The application of a minor must have the signatures of both parents.

3. Submission and presentation of documents:
The applicant must submit the following documents:
a. Original copy of Macao SAR Permanent Resident Identity Card (will be returned to the applicant once it is verified and photocopied)
b. Birth certificate;
c. Certificate that can prove the marital status of the applicant(except in case of a bachelor or a spinster)
d. Proof that the applicant has a near relative that is a Chinese national (for example, proof of family relationship, photocopy of that near relative’s identity card);
e. Proof of nationality (except stateless persons);
f. Certificate of criminal record (For instance, a valid “Certificate of Criminal Record” issued by the Macao SAR Government. In addition, if the applicant had lived in other countries or territories for 6 months or longer before settling in Macao, and he/she attained the age of 16 when living in such countries or territories, he/she should provide a certificate of criminal record within 90 days from its issuance date issued by the corresponding government.);
g. Proof of ordinary residence of the applicant, i.e. proof of property purchase (e.g. property tax, property deeds or Property Registration Report issued by the Real Estate Registry or proof of mortgage and monthly mortgage payment slip etc) or proof of tenancy (the latest tenancy agreement). If the applicant is 18 years old or above and he/she is neither the landlord nor the tenant, the person who provides accommodation to the applicant is required to submit a declaration and a copy of identification documents.
h. Proof of income of the applicant, his/her spouse or parents (if the applicant is a minor). For instance, proof of employment or other financial souces.
i. Proof of education (applicable to minor only).

Documents mentioned in numbers b) and c) can be exempted if their photocopies have already been archived at the Identification Services Bureau (DSI);

Documents mentioned in number d) is only required in case the applicant claims that he/she is a near relative of Chinese nationals.

Once the application is approved and otherwise the applicant is a stateless person, the applicant must within 6 months from the date of notification of his/her approval, submit a document which proves that he/she has renounced his/her foreign nationality. Otherwise, the approval will lose effect.

4. Fees:
There is a fee of MOP1,000.00. If the application includes spouse and children, then each family member must pay MOP500.00 (Note: fees are non-refundable, even if the application is turned down. )

Certificate of nationality: MOP150.00

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