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Water Bureau Marine : Maritime Registration For Ships Macau

Organization : Marine & Water Bureau
Service Name : Maritime Registration For Ships
City: Macao/Macau
Country : China

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Maritime Registration For Ships :

Relevant Service (Relevant Information):
Renewal of Certificate of Navigation
Change or Revision of Ship’s Log

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Related : Water Bureau Marine Maintenance & Repair of Vehicles Macau :

Deletion of Ship’s Log in Maritime Registration
Reissuance of Certificate of Navigation

Target Groups and Application Eligibility: natural person/juristic person.

Application Approach: In person.

Required Document:
1. Application form for maritime registration/cancellation/amendment/renewal/replacement for ships (format I 1/DET);
2. Application form for A. Maritime registration for pleasure boat/ B. deletion of ship’s log/ C. change or revision of ship’s log/ D. renewal/ E. replacement(format I 1A/DET);
3. A certified photocopy of I.D. (original copy to be presented for verification);
4. Photocopy of updated business registration certificate , if the applicant is a corporate; (original copy to be presented for verification);
5. Certificate of acquisition of ship (original copy to be presented for verification);
6. Document certifying the number of construction licence and the date (if applicable);
7. Tonnage certificate;
8. Documents certifying radio (call signs) (if applicable);
9. Certificate of registration inspection;
10. Supporing documents of import duties and other customs fees payment, if it is an entering ship;
11. Certificate showing the cancellation of previous registration and pass, if it is a non-Macao registered ship (needs to be submitted after the ship has passed the inspection) ;
12. Proof of address (such as: electricity/water bill).

Supplementary Document:
Certificate showing the cancellation of previous registration and pass, if it is a non-Macao registered ship.

Document must be presented:
1. Original copy of I.D.;
2. Original copy of updated business registration certificate ;
3. Proof of address.

Other Helpful Document: (inapplicable to this service item)

Charges (or Taxes):
1. Fees charged pursuant to the “General table of fees of the Marine and Water Bureau”;
2. Relevant stamp duty is levied in accordance with the “Stamp Duty Regulations” approved by Decree-Law No. 17/88/M, of 27 June, republished by the Dispatch of the Chief Executive No. 218/2001.

Deposit: (inapplicable to this service item)

Payment Instructions:
Payment Period
Monday – Thursday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., 2:30 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. (Except public holidays)

Payment Notice:
1. By cash or cheque;
2. When payment is made by cheque, remember to make the cheque payable to “Direcção dos Serviços de Assuntos Marítimos e de Água” and it must comply with Paragraph 3 of Article 5 of No.22/2008 Administrative Regulations, of 4 August, and must be a certified cheque;
3. Pursuant to the Chief Executive Dispatch No.20/2015, fishing vessels are exempted, during the period between 13 February 2015 and 12 February 2016, from the fees payable for annual issuance and renewal of license for loading and unloading ships, stated in Article 115 of the “General table of fees of the Marine and Water Bureau”;
4. If the applicant is a member of the Macau Yacht Club, he/she should present a supporting document issued by the club for special offers.

Time Needed: Upon submission of all necessary documents, arrangements for inspection will be made within 10 working days, excluding the day of application submission.

Quality Criteria:
Performance Pledge Upon submission of all necessary documents, arrangements for inspection will be made within 10 working days, excluding the day of application submission.

Remark: Notice for application
1. application can be done by the applicant or his/her legal representative;
2. application can be submitted by a lawyer or a legal agent from a Macao law firm;
3. Signature of the applicant should be notarised, except when the applicant submits the application form in person and prove his/her identity with an I.D. Such procedures must be done while submitting the application;
4.If the application form is submitted by a lawyer or legal agent from a law firm in Macao, notarised signature is exempted;
5. Documents issued outside of Macao are accepted according to the Civil Law; when necessary, persons of interest should submit translated copies of those, in accordance with the Code of Notaries.

Documents required to be processed/applied in advance:
1. notarized documents signed by the applicant (if applicable);
2. Payment of stamp duty;
3. Updated business registration certificate;
4. Proof of acquisition of ship;
5.Document certifying the number of construction licence and the date (if applicable);
6. Supporing documents of import duties and other customs fees payment, if it is an entering ship;
7. Pursuant to the Notary Code, documents issued outside of Macao should be translated (if necessary).

Collection time:
Monday – Thursday 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (Except Friday afternoon and public holidays)

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