minfor.gov.gy Immigration Procedures/Visa Fees Guyana : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Service Name : Immigration Procedures/Visa Fees
Country: Guyana
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Website : http://www.minfor.gov.gy/
Procedure : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/11801-Fees.pdf
Immigration Procedures/Visa Fees :
For persons travelling from countries whose passport holders require a visa to enter guyana and who may be unable to apply at any of guyana’s missions or consulates, visas will be issued on arrival. in this regard, the following guidelines are offered
Related : Ministry of Home Affairs Universal Birth Registration Guyana : www.statusin.org/28269.html
Criteria For Accepting Applications For Visas On Arrival :
1. a. Two photographs, as well as name and address of inviter/sponsorto be provided on arrival;
b. Name and address of hotel if visitor is a tourist;
2. Letter of invitation from inviter/sponsor to be presented on arrival;
3. Telephone number and/or e-mail address of inviter/sponsor and intended place of stay to be provided on arrival;
4. Evidence of finances to cover expenses for 30 days to be provided on arrival;
5. Applications will be rejected if the above criteria are not fulfilled;
6. A maximum of two (2) Extensions of Stay will be granted. Each Extension of Stay will be for a period of one (I) month.
Approval to enter Guyana is based on the following:
1. Name and address of sponsor/employer must be provided to the Ministry of Home Affairs for processing before the applicant arrives in Guyana;
2. Telephone number, fax and/or e-mail address of sponsor/employer must be provided to Ministry of Home Affairs for processing before the applicant arrives in Guyana;
3. Place of employment must be an established business and must be registered and be compliant with NIS and GRA rules/regulations;
4. Name and address and gender of employee/person coming to work in Guyana must be presented to the Ministry of Home Affairs by the Employer prior to arrival;
5. Approval to have Visa and Work Permit issued will be given to:
a. Employer
b. Immigration
6. Visa on Arrival and Work Permit will be issued on arrival;
7. Visas will be granted for a three (3) year period;
The application will be rejected if the above criteria are not fulfilled and the employer so notified, as well as Immigration.
1. Name and address, telephone, fax numbers, e-mail address of the registered/accredited institution where studies will be done are to be provided to the Ministry of Home Affairs, prior to arrival of student;
2. A copy of the student acceptance letter from the competent authority at the registered/accredited institution is to be provided directly by the school to the Ministry of Home Affairs, before the student arrives in Guyana;
3. Address and phone numbers of the student’s intended place while in Guyana are to be provided to the Ministry of Home Affairs, by registered/accredited Institution;
4. Evidence of financial support is to be provided to the Ministry of Home Affairs;
5. Student visas will be issued on arrival, and student and the school so notified;
6. Applications will be rejected if the above criteria are not fulfilled, and the authorities of the registered/accredited institution will be notified;
7. Visas will be granted for a three (3) year period;
Business Persons:
1. Name of Company, name of representative, nature of business and address of business contact (s) in Guyana are to be provided to Ministry of Home Affairs, before travelling to Guyana;
2. Address and telephone number of intended place of stay, while in Guyana are to be provided to Ministry of Home Affairs;
3. Name of Company and name of representative are to be provided;
I. Contact information of the sponsor/mentor to be provided to Ministry of Home Affairs;
2. Contact information about place of stay is to be provided;
3. Evidence from home country of business credentials is to be provided;
4. Applications will be rejected if the above conditions are not fulfilled.
5. Visas will be granted for a five (5) year period;
Visa Fees:
US$25.00 for visitors:
For a period of one (1) month in the first instance, and an additional US$25.00 for each Extension of Stay.
US$140.00 for employment:
For a period of three (3) years in the first instance and an additional US$140.00 will be charged for each three (3) year renewal.
US$140.00 for students:
For a period of three (3) years in the first instance and US$140.00 for each three (3) year renewal
US$140.00 for business persons:
For Five (5) years in the first instance and an additional US$140.00 will be charged for each five (5) year renewal.