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All posts from Registration of Vehicle Dealers Sri Lanka : Department of Motor Traffic

Organization : Department of Motor Traffic
Service Name : Registration of Vehicle Dealers
Country: Sri Lanka

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Registration of Vehicle Dealers:

Approval of motor vehicle prototypes:
** Prototype application
** Identity report obtained for the vehicle type submitted for prototype approval.
** Registration certificate, weight certificate and photocopies of MTA 2 application of each vehicle of that type.

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Related : Department of Motor Traffic Online Registered Vehicle Information Service Srilanka :

** Catalogue relevant to the vehicle type.
** Photocopy of the trade certificate obtained from the Department of Motor Traffic for the relevant year.

Registration of a Garage:
** Application for the registration of a garage.
** MTA 23 form
** Application for the issue of a trade permit for the year ….
** VAT certificate.
** Title deed of the land where the garage is located.
** Trade permit

Registration of a trading company / vehicle sale centre:
** Customs clearance certificates of 5 vehicles.
** Application for the registration of a trading company.
** MTA 23 form
** Application for the issue of a trade permit for the year ….
** VAT certificate
** Trade permit
** Land title deed

Renewal of trading companies / garages:
** MTA 23 form
** Application for the issue of a trade permit for the year ……
** Trade certificate obtained from the Department of Motor Traffic in the previous year.

Vehicle Emission Testing:
Checking vehicle emission to ascertain whether they are within the defined limits is done through this.

Documents and other requirements for vehicle emission testing.
** Registration certificate of the vehicle should be produced.
** Engine number and chassis number must be cleaned for easy reading.
** As the engine of the vehicle needs to be at the running temperature when produced for the test, the Engine must be switched on at least for 10 minutes.
** Vehicles with oil or emission gas leaks are not subjected to the test.
** The vehicle should be free of water leaks with the engine in good working condition. In case of any damage caused during testing to a vehicle subjected to the test without confirming to the said requirements, the loss should be borne by the owner.

Vehicle emission standards :
Petrol vehicles :

f vehicle Emission Standards Other matters
As effective from 01 April 2008
CO (% v/v)
HC (ppm v/v)
Petrol vehicles other
than motor bicycles
and motor tricycles
4.5 1200 Started, not running
and 2500 RPM with
Petrol motor bicycles
and petrol motor
6 9000

Abbreviations :
** % v/v – percentage as per volume
** ppm v/v – parts per million as per volume
** RPM – Rounds per minutes.

Diesel vehicles :

Type of vehicle Emission standards
Smoke opacity at  instant acceleration K factor  (M-1)
As effective from 01 April 2008.
Diesel vehicles 8.0

Abbreviations :
** K – factor – absorbent Co-efficeint
** Instant acceleration – Carries the same meaning in the interpretation of the term ‘SAE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE J 1667

3. Relevant charges and manner of payment :
** The necessary testing fee should be paid to the institution that conducts vehicle omission testing.(All charges and taxes relevant to the test have been included.)

Class of Vehicle Charges (with VAT)
Motor bicycle (Petrol) 415
Motor Bicycle (Diesel) 415
Three wheeler (Petrol) 505
Three wheeler (Diesel) 505
Motor Car (Petrol) 1110
Motor Car (Diesel) 1110
Dual purpose vehicles / van (Petrol) 1200
Dual purpose vehicles / van (Deisel) 1200
Motor lorry (Petrol) 1560
Motor lorry (Diesel) 1560
Motor coach (Petrol) 1020
Motor coach (Diesel) 1020
Bus (Petrol) 1010
Bus (Diesel) 1010
Prime Mover (Diesel) 1660

4. Testing centres and their locations :
** Necessary testing could be performed through Laugh Eco Sri or Klenco Lanka. For the centres and their locations access the websites of those institution.

5. Other relevant services :
Method of obtaining vehicle emission testing certificate and testing :
** With effect from 01.02.2011 all Brand New vehicles for one year only and in issuing the revenue licence for the second year checking vehicle emission certificate is compulsory.

** Vehicles manufactured prior to 31.12.1975 have been exempted from obtaining vehicle emission certificates.

** Obtaining vehicle emission certificate to get the revenue licence is required from the first year with respect to reconditioned vehicles.
** In issuing revenue licences all agricultural land vehicles have been exempted from obtaining vehicle emission certificate.

** In issuing revenue licences for all agricultural land vehicles they have been exempted from the requirement of obtaining vehicle emission certificates. Only four wheeled agricultural tractors and hand tractors are considered as agricultural land vehicles.

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