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All posts from : ‘Cyber Security is Everywhere’ Graphic Design Contest 2015 Hong Kong

Organization : Hong Kong Police Force & Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre
Competition Name : “Cyber Security is Everywhere” Graphic Design Contest 2015
Country : Hong Kong
Competition Deadline : 16 October 2015

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“Cyber Security is Everywhere” Graphic Design Contest 2015:
The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, Hong Kong Police Force and the Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre jointly organise the “Cyber Security is Everywhere” Graphic Design Contest which aims to promote the awareness of information security and adoption of security best practices in the community, and appeal to the public to be vigilant and thereby avoid fall into the trap of criminals.

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Objective and Theme:
The objective of the “Cyber Security is Everywhere” Graphic Design Contest is to promote the awareness of information security, adoption of security best practices in the community, and appeal to the public to be vigilant and thereby avoid fall into the trap of criminals. The graphic should demonstrate the security threats faced by the computer users and how they could protect their IT devices and information assets in their daily lives.

Examples of protective measures include do not use online banking services on public computers or through public Wi-Fi, enable browser’s built-in phishing and malware protection to prevent unusual pop-up screen for requesting credit card information, adopt two-factor authentication as far as possible when accessing web services or cloud services, beware of phishing e-mail to avoid incurring losses of money and goodwill, do not disclose sensitive or credit card information on social networking sites, install security software on the mobile device, etc.

** Open Group
** Secondary School Group
** Primary School Group

There are a champion, a 1st runner-up, a 2nd runner-up and also merit prizes for each group.

“Most Supportive School Award” will be awarded to the secondary school and primary school with the highest number of participants.

Application and Submission Period:
From 15 June 2015 (Monday) to 16 October 2015 (Friday)

Judging Criteria
** 40% Content – Message on promoting awareness of information security and security best practices
** 30% Creativity – Creative concept and ways of portrayal
** 30% Design and artistic presentation –artistic, drawing technique and other visual effects

How to Submit:
Method 1: Online Submission
Fill the online application form and upload the electronic image file.

Method 2: Email Submission
Submit the scanned application form together with the electronic image file by email and send to “”.

Method 3: Submit by Post or in Person
Submit the application form and entry either by post or in person to Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre.

** All persons involved in the planning and implementation of the contest are not eligible for joining the contest. They include but not limited to members of the organising committee, judging panel and their immediate family members.
** Each participant can enrol to only one group and should submit only one entry, additional entry will not be considered.

** All entries must be the participants’ original works that have not won any award in other competitions. If the entries had entered into other competitions, the participants should ensure the ownership of the copyright of the entries concerned does not belong to any organization. The participants shall assume responsibility for any disputes over copyright. The Organisers / Co-organisers accept no responsibility for such disputes.All submitted entries and their brief description will not be returned.

** All entries must not be published previously. They must be the original work of the participant(s) and should not violate any copyright and be free from intellectual property claims. The copyright of all entries under this Contest is vested solely in the Organisers upon submission. Organisers reserve the right to use or modify submitted entries for publicity, publishing in any media, exhibition purposes without the need to notify participants or pay participants copyright fees.

** The Organisers / Co-organisers have the right to demonstrate or advertise in any format on the entries in public exhibitions, at their websites, social networking sites, mobile apps or in their publications. The Organisers have the right to use the entries to produce any items, such as souvenir or calendars, etc.

** The Organizer reserves the right not to use in whole or in part the submitted entries. No dispute shall be raised by the entrants concerned.
** All entries must not contain obscene or indecent content.
** All entries must not contain or refer any names, products or services of any company or entity or any third party trademarks, logos or promote any brand, product or service.
** The Organisers at all times reserve the full right to disqualify inappropriate entries; or entries that violate the rules of the contest or in the sole opinion of the Organisers infringed intellectual property rights.
** The participants agree to participate in publicity events related to the contest upon invitation by the Organisers.
** Participants are to abide by the decisions of the panel of judges, which shall be final.
** Participants shall abide by the regulations of the contest and other provisions and conditions set out in the application form.
** The Organisers reserve the right to interpret and make changes to the regulations of the contest and other provisions and conditions set out in the application form.
** Participants have the right of access and correction with respect to their personal data as stipulated in Sections 18 and 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. The right of access includes the right to obtain a copy of their personal data provided on the application form.

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