All posts from : Apply Citizens Bank Student Loan Application United States of America

Name of the Organization : Citizens Bank
Type of Facility : Apply Citizens Bank Student Loan Application
Country : United States of America

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Apply Citizens Bank Student Loan Application :

What you will need :
** To complete your application, you and your cosigner (if applicable) must have the following available:

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Financial Information :
** Recent pay stub (no more than 60 days old) or other proof of income and monthly housing payment.

Related : Citizens Bank Check Student Loan Status United Status of America :

School Information :
** Graduation date, loan period and the loan amount.

Student Reference :
** Student borrowers will be required to provide a personal reference, who is an individual that does not live at the same address and is not their cosigner.

How much can I borrow with the Citizens Bank Student Loans?
Minimum Loan Amount — $1,000
Maximum Loan Amount

Total Private and Federal Student Loan Debt Total Citizens Bank Student Loan Debt
Undergraduate $120,000 $90,000
Graduate $150,000 $110,000
Business and Law $175,000 $130,000
Medical and Dental $225,000 $170,000

Please Note: The above grid reflects aggregate limits for each degree. Graduate loan aggregate limits include amount used to obtain undergraduate degree.

What are the eligibility requirements to apply for the Citizens Bank Student Loan?
** Students must be enrolled at least half-time in a degree-granting program at an eligible institution.

** Students must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, or an international student with a creditworthy U.S. citizen or permanent resident cosigner residing in the U.S.
** Students must have attained the age of majority in their state of residence, or, if the borrower does not meet the age of majority in their state of residence, a cosigner is required.

What are the eligibility requirements to apply for a Citizens Bank Student Loan for Parents?
** Borrower must have attained the age of majority in their state of residence.
** Borrower must be a creditworthy U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

** Students must be enrolled at least half-time in a degree-granting program at an eligible institution.
** Students must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

How good must my credit be to be eligible for a Citizens Bank Student Loan?
** We will need to see a reasonably strong credit history, along with a minimum household income (for either the borrower or cosigner) of $12,000.

** Although a cosigner is not required, we strongly encourage borrowers with little or no credit history to apply with a qualified cosigner to increase their chances of being approved.
** A qualified cosigner may also help the borrower secure a lower interest rate.

Here’s what you need to get started :
** Name, address, phone number, email address
** Date of birth
** Social Security Number

** Recent pay stub (no more than 60 days old) or other proof of income and monthly housing payment.
** Employer name, phone number and length of employment (if applicable)
** Name of school you plan to attend

** Cost of attendance and any financial aid received (see award letter from your school)
** Student’s anticipated graduation date, loan period and loan amount needed.
** Student borrowers will need to provide a reference.
** Co-signer name and valid email address (if applicable)

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