All posts from Same-sex & Domestic Partnerships Marriage Certificate United States of America : Washington State Department of Health

Name of the Organization : Washington State Department of Health
Type of Facility : Same-sex and Domestic Partnerships Marriage Certificate
Country : United States of America

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Same-sex and Domestic Partnerships Marriage Certificate :

Same-Sex Marriage Law and Domestic Partnerships :
** The Department of Health maintains marriage records and issues marriage certificates for marriages that occur in Washington State.

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Related : Washington State Department of Health Apply for Heirloom Birth Certificates USA :

** On December 6, 2012, a new law took effect allowing same-sex couples to marry and for certain domestic partnerships to convert to marriages on June 30, 2014.
** State-registered domestic partnerships in which both individuals were under the age of 62 and did not marry by June 30, 2014 were converted by law to a marriage on June 30, 2014.
** State-registered domestic partnerships will continue to exist for couples where at least one individual is 62 or older.

** Couples will be able to get a marriage certificate for a state-registered domestic partnership that converts to a marriage after June 30, 2014.
** If your domestic partnership converted to a marriage on June 30, 2014, you should receive a letter from the Secretary of State’s office in early September 2014 confirming that it was converted.
** You can contact the Department of Health at (360) 236-4300 if you did not receive a letter and believe that your domestic partnership should have converted.

Frequently Asked Questions :
Domestic Partnerships: Conversion to Marriages
I was in a state-registered domestic partnership and we got married before June 30, 2014 but received a letter stating that our domestic partnership was converted to a marriage on June 30, 2014. Do I need to do anything?
Yes. You will need to notify the Department of Health at (360) 236-4300. We will notify the Secretary of States’ office so that your domestic partnership status can be corrected on their website.

Can we get a marriage certificate if our domestic partnership converted to a marriage?
Yes. You can order a marriage certificate from our office. We encourage you to use the mail, online or phone options to request your marriage certificate. Turnaround time may be longer than normal due to the high demand.

How much does it cost to get a marriage certificate?
The cost is $20. You may also request expedited shipping and processing for an additional fee. More information is available on our certificate ordering page.

What information will be included on our marriage certificate?
We will include the information we receive from the Secretary of State’s office provided in your state-registered domestic partnership and any additional information you provide by completing the Additional Information for State Registered Partnerships Form.

Can I get my certificate at the county auditor’s office?
No. Marriage certificates for domestic partnerships that converted to marriages on June 30, 2014 will only be available from the Center for Health Statistics. Counties do not have access to the certificate.

I am in state-registered domestic partnership and we were both under the age of 62 and did not marry before June 30, 2014. Did our domestic partnership convert to a marriage?
Yes. Your domestic partnership became a legal marriage on June 30, 2014. The Secretary of State will keep information about your domestic partnership on file for historical information but list your domestic partnership as converted as of June 30, 2014. You should have also received a letter confirming that your domestic partnership converted.

What happened if one of us turned 62 before June 30, 2014 and we did not get married before then?
Your domestic partnership did not convert to a marriage.

Did our domestic partnership convert if we registered it at a county, such as King County?
No. Only qualifying domestic partnerships registered with the Secretary of State converted. You will know your domestic partnership is state registered if you received a card from the Secretary of State. You can view state registered domestic partnerships on the Secretary of State website.

Will the date of our domestic partnership (legal date of marriage) be included on our marriage certificate if our domestic partnership converts to a marriage?
Yes. We will include the legal date of marriage, defined as the date of your state-registered domestic partnership in RCW 26.60.100, on your marriage certificate.

Can I use my marriage certificate with the date of my domestic partnership as proof of my legal date of marriage for benefits?
Each agency or organization will need to determine what information they will require and if they will consider a Washington State date of domestic partnership as the legal date of marriage for purposes of benefits. You will need to contact the organization or agency for information about how this will affect you.

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