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All posts from Apply for Food Service Licensing : South Dakoda Department of Health

Name of the Organization : South Dakoda Department of Health
Type of Facility : Apply for Food Service Licensing
State : South Dakoda
Country : United States of America

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Food License Application :

Apply for Food Service Licensing :

Step 1 : Complete the Food Service Licensing Packet
Download following materials or call the Office of Health Protection at 605-773-4945 to request the packet –

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Related : South Dakoda Department of Health Birth & Marriage Amendments and Corrections :

** Food Service Establishments Health and Safety Manual – Administrative Rules of South Dakota 44:02:07 (Food Service Code)
** License Application
** Food Service Plan Review Questionnaire
** Food Service Establishment Guidelines
** Sample Kitchen Layout
** Prep Sinks with Air Breaks Illustration
** Mobile Food Service Plan Review Questionnaire | Requirements
** Sample Mobile Floor Plan
** Fact Sheets for Food Safety Establishments

Note :
** If you need a food service license for a temporary event, use the Temporary Food Services Application and refer to Food Safety at Temporary Events.

Step 2 : Meet Requirements
A. South Dakota Codified Law 34-18-23 requires establishments to notify the Department of any construction or alteration projects.
** 30 days before construction starts, submit detailed floor plan of food service kitchen to Office of Health Protection.
** Layout plans must be stamped by a professional engineer or architect for facilities larger than 4,000 square feet..
** Submit completed Plan Review Questionnaire and floor plan to
** SD Department of Health – Office of Health Protection – 600 E. Capitol – Pierre, SD – 57501-2536

B. If the establishment uses private sewer or water systems, they must be approved by the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 605-773-3351.

C. Complete, notarize, and submit the license / registration application with correct fee 30 days before completion of construction to –
** SD Department of Health – Office of Health Protection – 600 E. Capitol – Pierre, SD – 57501-2536

D. ARSD 44:02:07:03 requires food service establishments to have a certified food service manager.

Step 3 : Department of Health Review
A. Department staff review the layout plan and plan review questionnaire.
B. Department sends written notification regarding approval or changes required.
C. Department approves plan once all areas of plan comply with ARSD 44:02:07 (Food Service Code).

Step 4 : State Inspection
** During the construction process and before business opening, Department conducts onsite inspection to determine compliance with administrative rules.

Step 5 : Approval for Licensing
** Department of Health issues food service license once license application is made, plan review completed, final inspection made, and Certified Food Service course completed.

Instructions :
** No license will be issued until an on-site inspection is conducted and the food establishment is found to be in compliance.
** Construction plans and plan review questionnaire(s) are required for new establishments or changes to existing establishments 30 days prior to initiating construction.
** Fill out the application completely. An incomplete application cannot be processed.
** It will be returned to the sender, and may result in the denial of a license.
** Food Service – Type of Business – Mark the type of food service you’re applying for.

License Fees :
** Choose the amount of seating for your establishment and select the appropriate full year or half year fee based on the seating capacity.
** If unsure, please call 605-773-4945 for assistance.
** 1Half-year license fees apply only to establishments with an initial opening date occurring after July 1st and before December 31st.
** Enter appropriate fee amount in the fee total column.
** 2Please note the amounts listed include the mandatory inspection fees.

** The initial license fee will always apply unless this application is for a Change Of Ownership of an establishment that has operated within the last 12 months and no renovations have taken place or are planned in the immediate future.

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